6 Stages Of A Rebound Relationship For The Dumper

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Music: No Good Right
Artist: Freedom Trail Studio
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Think of it this way. Right now, they are happy in this rebound relationship, well, they think they are happy. But give it a few months time, they will come crashing down. Providing you have reacted to the breakup correctly, you will now be stronger than ever. Take your time, allow yourself to hurt and allow yourself to heal. All your ex is doing by finding a rebound is patching over the cracks and covering up the pain, they are not healing.


The dumper has in fact got 3 choices.... stick with their new partner in an effort to save face after realizing they made a mistake.... the old or the new you, if you are strong enough to create one!


That's why I just stayed alone and when I meet someone I really want them to get to know me I don't want them getting any surprises down the road.


I was the rebound. The rushing and over-flattering from the beginning didn't make sense to me already. I was just a stand in for his ex. The only thing I regret is not running away immediately from this self-centered moron. 😡


I ❤️ this, straight to the point, and very true, I feel so much stronger now, 9 months down the line, don't get me wrong I miss my husband like mad, but I won't tell him that


ty so much. fab video. the visuals and msgs so on point. i really needed this today. 11 months since he monkey branched to his rebound, they moved in after a few months of a long distance relationship. id been doing good, but getting wobbles, so needed this. if ure the dumpee, remember ure taking time to heal and grow, while they use another person as a painkiller to escape. they will have to heal eventually, and by then you will be the biggest and brightest butterfly. you will get thru this. i never thought i would, but here i am. 💞💖💞


He left me for another girl & moved in with her, clearly he cheated for lust. The girl is totally the opposite of me! I found out about the cheating after 6mos. It was crazy! but I'm still thankful that it happened now and not later in life when we're married. The only sad thing is knowing that he was cheating on me since September of last year, we were seeing each other until I found out myself.


I was the rebound. He told me I was so much better than his ex. We had some great trips away. We were in in a ldr but silly me thought it was fine as it was a while after his break up with his ex.


A honestly hope this happens with my ex .They not even been together long and they are trying for a baby we only split up last month .What the hell that is way to fast 😂


Omg after seeing this video I realized I was my ex rebound 😩. He put me on a pedestal, he showed me off. He wanted all his friends to meet me. These were all signs. Honestly I should’ve paid attention. But it is too late now. My option is to move on.


Hope this is right cos my Husband left after 23yrs + went straight to a work colleague. He has been there ever since 18mths. I hope she leaves him with no one.


I sure hope my ex's rebound fails


I had been with her for over 4 years and right when we married she decided to walk walk away out of nowhere.

I’m not sure why she did this.
I’m not sure if she is talking to someone else.
I’m not sure why did this when I gave her the world and treated her very well.


My ex girlfriend tried to rub it in my face about how happy she is with her new situation, yet two weeks ago she invited herself over n was in my bed all over me even tho she was seeing this other person at that time lol I told her best of luck and left it at that. Now to move forward and let time handle it because I won’t be reaching out again.


Rebounds suck!!!
I was his rebound, this video makes it again so clear to me!
Thing is he did not do it on purpose! He should have told me, so I was able to protect myself, but he did not realise!
I was the bandage to his broken haert, I made him feel good again, I made him feel man again...
Now he has moved on back in the dating scène with a healthy attitude, looking for a healthy long-term relationship. The next girl will have him completelly the way I wanted him.
I was healthy, single for 5 years, he showed up, I thought WoW he is the lan of my Dreams... yes it was a dream and now living a nightmare!
I am left now with a broken haert!
Have to start my rebuilding myself from square one!!!
It is so disgusting to see that you were just used!!!
Most difficult part for me is getting over him, while knowing I was used.
Start over again with the trust I will not get used again!!! It is too painfull.
So again closed tobguus who persue me.
What were the most amazing 6 weeks in the past 5 years just seem to be NOTHING!
He just broke me 😭😭😭


There's a behavior that I've noticed from several of my exes, it's happening rn with my most recent, that I am really curious about. Why is it that even after months or even years do exes reach out every couple months almost religiously to check in and see how you're doing or apologize or whatever? They dumped me, they are in both cases in new seemingly happy relationships, I haven't reached out or contacted them and have specifically made a point not to. So why the sudden interest? And why is it so consistent and short lived?


I have almost 7 years relationship with her, the worst part is she keep our relationship as a secret, never let her family or friends to know about me . What make me stay is because of her promises and hope that she give me, and after 6 years she moving to new place and work there, every one month i will go there to visit her, but after a year she stated to changed and i can feel she meet someone else there . Then we started to argue about it because i caught her on the phone in the mid night even after she said she wanna sleep . Until now i still didn’t any real explanation why she dumped me, the only reason she told me is because of our religion, but why now then mention because of religion . For 3 weeks i keep asking for explanation but what i get she just being rude and cold to me . Its really hurting me, never thought she will be this selfish and heartless to me . The pain, heartache and disappointment still there inside me but im getting stronger, its been 2 weeks i never find her or asking any explanation because im not deserver to be treat like this and i know im done my duty as a good bf this past 7 years, never hurt her, lie or betray her . I hope someday i will meet someone who proud to be with me.


Now this shit got me wondering if I was the rebound 🙄


My soon to be x husband of 10 yrs. kicked us out our house, moved in his mistress he met on ‘Tinder’ and her spawns, and immediately started the 24/7 obsessive calls to me. I had to file a police report, restraining order & he was even arrested on a warrant for failure to appear. I made it very clear I want nothing to do with him. They’re still together 10 mos. later she must be stupid, blind or both. I know him very well & guarantee he is cheating on her just like he did to me. She doesn’t know he’s with her because she’s the low hanging fruit and because I rejected him. He’s not happy with her he’s pretending and he never will be happy with anyone that’s the type of person he is


My ex and her rebound broke up HAHAHA. Karma works lol
