Audrey confronts Ben for proposing to Mal

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When he said he liked the old Audrey better I know she felt so sad because he made her feel like she wasn't good enough for him either way 😭😭😭


It’s cute how he seems genuinely concerned that she had a spell put on her 🥺


Audrey: “I’m gonna turn the whole kingdom into stone”
Ben: “they had to listen to your grandmother talking yesterday, they’re already stoned”


Also when Ben says "the old Audrey wouldn't hurt Auradon" it looks like Audrey gets sad or regretful right then and there but only for a few seconds.


One thing I've learned.
Even if you're born a royal.
You can still act like a villian.


"When she said most people get dumped because their not good enough I wasn't bad enough." I felt that because its true in the world we live in no one wants a good girl they want a bad girl


Mal: charismatic
Uma: cool
Audrey: iconic


I love her evil giggle in that scene! 😁😁 Sarah Jeffery probably had a lot of fun playing it.


I loved seeing Audrey turn bad and avenge herself. Ben cheated on her with Mal and he humiliated her in front of the whole school by professing his love for Mal. Audrey deserved better 💞


"Or you'll what, marry them?"- Audrey 2023


I love how Bens first response is “did someone put a spell on you?” Because he only cares about what Audrey has turned into and is worried about her because she’s not acting like herself he doesn’t judge her for the villain that she’s become or demanded that she set his people free but just chooses to look for peace and the best in people he knows there’s still good in her and knows that despite it all Audrey was always his best friend and that she was only hurt because he abandoned her but what Audrey has to understand is that Ben was spelled and had no intention on leaving her and most likely would’ve broke it off first if not for the love spell plus Audrey did break up with him for Chad so it’s her loss that she lost Ben because he fell for Mal even without a love spell and loved her ultimately at first sight when they first met a connection of which he never had with Audrey because it was just a betrothal between Belle and Aurora to betroth their children most likely.

But the fact that Ben was more concerned about Audrey and that he didn’t want her to get hurt other than confronting her and demanding she stop the madness she was in and that she stop putting his kingdom in danger just says a lot about the kind of leader that Ben is he cares more for those around him than what’s going on feeling like he can fix it because yes he cares about his kingdom and subjects but he also cares about his friends and knows that something isn’t right and that Audrey isn’t herself he even says that he liked and misses the old Audrey who was his friend and not the villain that she had become caring more about having her other than threatening and battling her 😮❤️.


Ben shouldn’t of said forgive you. He has nothing to forgive. He’s the one that hurt Audrey .


Nah I’m sorry if her grandmother hadn’t pushed her Audrey never would’ve snapped. It was the throne she cared about most.


Ben is so annoying, like he has no right to “forgive her” after all he put her through. She wasn’t lying when she said he gave away her life, becoming queen was something she had always been promised and worked towards her whole life. I get that Ben loves Mal and wants to be with her, but he never talked to Audrey about it and handed what was rightfully Audrey’s, the position of queen, to Mal. I’m not hating on Mal, I think she’s a great character and I don’t blame her for what happened to Audrey. It’s Ben who frustrates and disgusts me, people who are self-righteous often don’t think of others.


Can we all just agree that Audrey was the best villain 😁❤️


Ben is just thinking “crap crap crap wtf do I say”


Audrey: “I’ll turn the entire kingdom into stone”
Me: “the way your life’s been going I’m surprised you’re not stoned”


i’m sorry but Ben is WAY too forgiving. The way he’s been love spelled not once, but TWICE, in under a year and he forgave both Uma and Mal, and Mal tried spelling him in the second movie to make him forget what happened (before their argument) and now Audrey, who put Auradon under a curse and turned Ben into a beast, and she faced NO repercussions whatsoever. I’m so glad Hades pointed out the double standards between the heroes and villains whenever they do something wrong. Audrey should’ve at least faced some sort of punishment, like putting her under house arrest or something


I’m playing Audrey in Decendants the musical, and I’m so excited!!!💗💗


Well Ben's relationship with Audrey was one-sided anyway because when Mal and rest of the VK Gang came out of the limo he was already feelin' her before the spell
