Getting Into Nikon. Shooting a forgotten Classic Nikon Film SLR from the 1980s.

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In this video I take out a classic Nikon Film SLR Camera from 1986. This is a camera I hardly see on the used market unless you search for it by name but it's used price is so cheap compared to the "flagship" Nikon cameras but does it take as good pictures? It has all the functions you need for a camera of it's day, but why is it less desirable than the sort after F3, F6, FM ranges?

Freewell Travel Graphite Tripod.
If you like the Travel Tripod I use this is the link. This tripod has been brilliant for me shooting vlogs and photography on the go! Especially on my bike.

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Camera Featured - Nikon F-501
Film Used - Fuji Acros II
Developer - D23.

Nikon ZF, CANON 6D, Gopro 10 Black, TASCAM DR10L MIC
NEEWER LED PANELS, GVM COLOUR PANELS, Valoi 360 Film Holder Colbor 100X Light, Colbor 220 Light


If my videos inspire, create ideas and help others in film photography and darkroom work then it's worth making them.
I always welcome comments that are useful towards the video subject that will help others understand the process within.
Keep shooting and thanks for watching.

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You are entirely right about the performance of this camera and the results you can get. In the states this model is N2020. The model before it was the N2000. The latter was my first serious Nikon, bought new in 1984. I prefer the N2000 because it is manual focus although I have both. On the other hand it's easy to turn off the very nervous AF on the 2020 and it gives you an in focus indicator in the view finder. If you intend to buy either of these be certain (in fact INSIST) on seeing a photo of the battery chamber with the inner tray removed--the chamber can look clean but the worst corrosion is underneath the tray which requires removing seven screws to inspect--or have the seller agree to accept a return if you find it has problems. The weakest part of these cameras is the battery circuitry--it's very susceptible to corrosion, even the smallest amount. The circuitry from the camera to the battery chamber is very thin plastic with the conducting material bonded to it and any corrosion will destroy it. Once corroded it is virtually impossible to repair because of the characteristics of that material--no wires that are easily replaced, just the thin tape. This is a problem in at least half of these cameras that I've seen. Typically these have been in someone's closet for many years and very commonly people didn't take the batteries out and forgot about them. If you seen any hint of green fuzzy material pass on it. When you get one with a healthy battery chamber and everything else works, you've got a great camera for a pittance.


I've followed your channel for a long time and seen your progress in film technique and knowledge. i think you have one of the best photography centric channels on Youtube, thank you for your effort, it shows. Looking forward to more.


I have a Nikon F801s, that I paid £640 for in 1994, still going strong.I used to shoot colour slides and it was said that, the extra coverage that you couldn’t see in the viewfinder was covered up by the slide mount.


The N2020 (american F501) was my first Nikon! Its a fantastic camera and it started me down the Nikon lens compatibility rabbit hole. I got it for free from a friend who found it covered in dirt in someone's attic, cleaned it up and its worked with zero problems for the past 2 years or so


I had a 301 and then upgraded to 501 in early nineties and I loved it!


My first AF nikon body, the N2020 (USA) aside from being noisy, there were things I loved about it. The dials, the rewind mechanism, the film spinner on the back, the accessories. The AA battery pack was bigger but batteries lasted longer. Still got it!


Hey Roger just wanted to let you that I received the print that I ordered and that I thank you for you for including the second one with it. And to say youre welcome. I also wanted to let you know that I thank you for providing the content make and ive said it before in another comment, but for also inspiring me to shoot in black and white as well as film. I have developed 12 rolls of B&W film since I started watching your channel a few months ago. Ive got more to shoot and I'm trying out ACROS II at the moment. So once again, thank you for providing such great content and keep up the good work. Ill be purchasing more prints from you, and I would like to send you a few prints of mine both digital and film (no dark room prints though... yet) of some of my favorite shots


Spookily timed video Roger, I have just purchased a F501 a couple of days ago for the princely sum of £54, including a lens.


It's fun to see your shots, and especially the interesting places you go to get them.

Paraphrasing what you just said, the camera is just a dark box with a hole in it... Some may have conveniences or features we like, and that makes us happier to use them. The lens might make a difference in the image but just like in driving, the biggest factor is the nut behind the wheel.

Awesome work!


Still happily using my F301 - there’s something satisfying about manual focus with a split image circle… probably even cheaper than the 501 and no af motor to worry about 😊


A friend of my father gave me his N2020 2 years ago, with a 50/1.8 and a 70-210/4 in mint condition . At first, I was doubtful about the AF, but finally, it does the job .
Despite the lack of DoF preview and spot metering, it's a good camera, well made, and it's finally always in my backpack .


I had this gem, a fantastic camera. huge viewfinder, perfect grip and weight, sold it eventually as I moved to canon, regret it still. The most perfect camera to ever fit my hand, besides Nikon d200.


The F90x was my first Nikon. Bought in the early 80's, it took me through University, made money in product photography after graduation, built many memories with family shots. Still have it. You've inspired me to take the old girl out and run a roll or two through her. Thanks!


I owned one and had it from 1990-2006. At the time I purchased it second hand and it was already "ancient" as the F601& F801were already out as backups to the professional-grade, F4. The F-501 was meant to be an introduction to autofocus back in the day. It was the AF version of the F-301 which had a similar form factor but without AF capability. A few caveats to take note: ONE is that the film rewind crank is made of plastic which I actually broke during one assignment. Back then we had to be really quick when rewinding and reloading. TWO: the tripod socket is way toward the left. This was designed to accommodate the battery chamber and there was a tripod plate which was meant to "center" the camera when used on a tripod. This plate was also used on the F-3 when attached to a motor drive which reminds me, we never called it "burst rate" back then. It was simply, "FPS". THREE, the AF function of this camera is HORRIBLE & UNRELIABLE being the first Nikon to have an "AF" function. (Btw, there was also a Nikon F-3 AF). For this camera to focus correctly, it needed a vertical array so if there were only horizontal lines in the composition, you will never get a shot especially when using "Single-servo AF" but, if you used the camera with an AF Speedlite like the SB-23/24, the camera will focus in very low light conditions. BONUS TIP: if you master how to load this camera, you will be able to squeeze at least 2-3 extra frames from either a 24 or 36-exposure film cassette.


Hi Roger, nice comments on the Nikon 501. Yes, indeed a great, but underestimated camera. There are a lot of good Nikon cameras out there. Very cheap to get, but really great is the Nikon 801s. Robust, professional, and not as heavy as the F90 or F90x. People looking for the great F100, but don't like the price should search for a F80, the little sister of the F100.


i have a F4, several Nikkormats and a N2000 ... all of them take great pics ...LOVE NIKON FILM CAMERAS !!


I had purchased the non-AF version, N2000 in the US, new back in 1986. Used it through out college. Great memories with it. Thanks for sharing your experience with the F-501.


I found the F90X to be such a reliable workhorse of a camera I decided to purchase a second one last year.


The Nikon F501 was the N2020 in the United States. Great camera!


I have never heard of this model. Enjoyed the video and I have no plans to purchase one. My collection includes a Nikkormat I purchased new in 1972, a F, F2, F4 and a beautiful S2. Keep up the good work!
