You Need These Surfboards in 2022 | My Board Quiver Update

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There are three types of surfboards you should have in your quiver, but that doesn't mean you should ONLY have 3 different surfboards... In this video I break down my 2021 / 2022 quiver with a look at what's worked well for me in various surfing scenarios around Australia.

I feel very privileged to be in this position with access to so many different crafts and it's not something I take for granted. Something I do think about is the environmental impact that these boards have which is why this YouTube channel is a 1% for the planet enterprise and why I'll be exploring sustainable surfing a lot more in 2022.

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I'm 27 and it still takes me 6months to save up for a new board and i still sleep with it when i get :D


I recently got a 6’10 twin fin mid-length and it’s been a game changer - never caught so many waves in my life and it turns really well.


Bought a smoothstar because of one of your vids two years ago. One of the best additions to my quiver 😉


The thumbnail is fire, holding the midlength surfboard with the sun setting in the background and the view from the balcony is dope!!!!


Aloha, Kale, like you i love my go to three choices:
1) 6'2" Rusty, Dwart, best all-around short bord that I've ever owned, goes in anything from waist to double over head. has all find set ups that you would need.
2) 7'2" "Mitsven, Magic" great for those big days with long paddle out, great point break board. can set up as single, twin or single with two small sides, I ride it mostly the later.
3) My trusty 9' "Steve Stack" (hi performance long board) this board goes Anyware from overhead at Sunset Beach to small Town. set up 7.5" cutaway with two smaller sides.


Really interested in that 7’0”! I’m currently on a 9’6” that I dig, but I’m about to start traveling a lot more and want something that mostly feels like a log, but is a bit more compact and maybe even a bit more maneuverable than a traditional log. Don’t necessarily want a gun style like yours, but I think I want to find something in the 7’-8’ range that’s set up similar to a log. Thanks for sharing about your current quiver man, gives a lot of great insight! 🤙🏽


Hi there!
Just to share the boards in my locker:
1, retro fish for really small, mushy days
2, broken 5’10 for normal but crowded days
3, 5’8 newly board for normal days
4, FireWire unibrow 5’8 for good days
5, 5’8 Tomo copy for surf trips


Great vid! Im currently travelling around Australia full time and surfing/ documenting our travels on YouTube and I find a good Australia quiver is a Twin fin (5'5), Hybrid performance board (5'10 summer board) and a step up/ mid length! a lot of the time I find myself surfing by myself meaning I don't have to compete for waves and therefore don't need as much paddle volume as people with a lot more people to compete with. I can sit in the zone and pick and choose waves. The Step up is my least used board as I don't really wanna surf 6-8ft waves with no one else out.. but when I do use it im so glad I packed it!


I think if you're a shortboard guy, it doesn't make much sense to go with mid-lengths as board quiver. I've had some bigger boards (6'4, 6'8, and 7'0) because I've always liked to experience a different surfing with different boards, but I would not have a foamie or long board to my quiver. Long boards are hard to duck dive and hard to turn. Plus, it slows you down on peaky days.

Today all I have is one groveler ( Mutant 5'6) for the high tide and mushy days, my rocket9 (5'8) for the lower tide and more hollowish waves, and my sampler (6'0) for the "bigger" days because it gives me extra reliability on the drop.

I feel I should replace my groveler to something like a everyday surfboard (5'7 Rocket Wide). My current groveler is just too wide and causes a ton of drag. It is easier to catch fat waves but super slow to paddle through the line up due to the flat rocker and its outline.


The Haydenshapes plunder is an absolute beast. You can size it up to a midlength with no issues. The level of performance is amazing. It's an older board but would love to see it in your midlength review.


I have 2 mid lengths and my fave is my new Mark Richards Mid length swallow twin which is 7ft, surfs like a 6'6 and turns small surf into stoke!! Beats a long board for sure!!


If I could only have three, I’d probably choose a quality longboard, a mid length and a performance shortboard/Aipa Flat Earth

The longboard is great for 3” waves up to 10’ and just does anything and everything. Practice style, enjoy nose rides, try fin reverses, whip it around, just have fun.

Mid length is perfect for smaller weaker waves. Or maybe a bigger waves you’d like to get into earlier. Some bigger days at Haleiwa I like more volume in a midlength to get in early. I don’t want to late drop a shortboard.

And of course a propert shortboard is just fin when you have some perfect waves to really enjoy it.

But now that I foil, I would say sell those three boards and get a foil 😂


After many boards over 40 years of surfing, I’ve moved from a 9’6” Mal to an 8’ McCoy Nugget. It’s probably the best board I’ve owned lots of volume for an old bloke but rides and turns way shorter


Great content!!!! Love the idea of mixing it up. I have been surfin since the early 80’s. Back then it was a one board quiver and maybe a big wave board. Now I have the extra money so my quiver has expanded. I still ride mostly thrusters but have a twinie and a quad in the mix. Love all my boards at the moment. Modern surfing and surf begs a variety of boards. Thank you for your cool style and insight


🏄 Best surfing education and tips aaalwwwaaayyys!!!! Thxxx Kales, from VIRGINIA BEACH, VA!!! 🏄


Sweet video Kale!
I started on a fish like your videos recommended and it was great to learn on and I still get out on it for smaller days.
Transitioning to intermediate I bought the JS Bullseye and it was absolute game changer, so easy to paddle and get waves but it also really progressed my surfing. Highly recommend!
Happy new year mate 🏄‍♂


I can actually see my parents house in the background haha,
Growing up and working in the surf industry made me think about how once there was a lot of local board companies on the mid and south coast and how now everyone seems to be riding mass produced boards as opposed to wear I live now where there are plenty of local shapers.
I'd love to see the pool board test with a wildcard. Working with a local shaper that has made a board specific for you like you did on the larger board you mentioned here.


Midstrength goes best as a quad. Pretty much a magic carpet and exceeded all expectations


So refreshing to see a quiver that covers nearly everything 🤙


My mates kypto krypto flipped out of the board rack off the scooter, up 8tf+ into the air and landed on its rails and had zero chips or hardly even scratched it. We were riding about 50ks per hour on a windy Sumatran day. Duck dived a 2-3 foot white water on my new bali made Christensen lanesplitter and it snapped clean in half. First surf. Go figure. Hayden shapes make good quality boards.
