Judo newaza Don't

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Judo newaza Don't

I see knee wrestling all the time. It is the biggest waste of your precious Judo training time. Please dont do it!
#judo #bjj

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Thank you for filming this. Knee wrestling is one of the most stupid things ever, but is unfortunately common in Judo. It's good to see someone at a higher rank state this out loud.


Speaking as a BJJ instructor, I totally agree. When having my students do newaza rounds I always have them start from a position that could realistically result from a takedown or guard pull.


100% correct. If you’re school makes you start from the knees for newaza, let the other guy push you over and start your game from disadvantage. I learned from my early days that you cheat both you and yourself from actually practicing and training the real techniques from my fear of being on my back.
Now, if the opponent wants top, he can have it. Never resist force with direct force. And ever since, my game has consistently improved.

Extremely good video that everyone should watch before training Newaza.

- From aJudoka and a Gracie Jiujitsu practitioner who can identify with this wisdom.

Thank you Sensei. Good instruction as always, sir!


Another judo don't: while flattening oneself out on one's stomach is a legitimate technique to save yourself from a pin or submission, try engaging in the newaza as if it's BJJ rules to improve many aspects of your newaza game rather than just your ability to stay on your flattened out on your belly!


Love your vids man ...I'm a bjj guy who splits 50/50 standing/ground work. Nicely explained videos and super easy to understand.


I need literally everyone in the world to watch this video.


I disagree a bit there, purely because for judo, pulling down promotes chokes and transition from the front, like a sankaku turnover, and armpit and collar choke (like a reverse okuri eri turnover) and kuzushi, tewaza in positions that really made me strong on Newaza in the past, and pulling guard from that position while the other trying to get past the legs, plus it was loads of fun, just my opinion, but I was used to practicing Newaza from that position in the past and learned a lot, especially the grips. Great channel.


At my dojo we do that, but only for the kids under the age of 12
Everyone above starts in standing and guard position since as you said if both are on their knees they would just stand up and go for takedown from a standing position which is obviously easier then from a kneeling position
Of course we get taught how to pass guard and how to sweep from guard so that no party is overly dominant
Thanks for pointing out the uselessness of both fighters kneeling


You are a hero for putting this video out. Knee wrestling is stupid and a waste of time. Every sensei from Nome, AK to Suva, Fiji and all points in between should teach this day one.

You're the hero we need, not the one we deserve.


All sparring in my bjj class starts on the knees. I hate it. Can you make a video of how to quickly (and safely) go from knee to guard, mount or whatever?


I do both judo and Bjj, I never think about this🤣 Interest, thank!


Wow, I am shocked at what he is saying. As a BJJ black belt and a Judo black belt, if I am starting on my knees and my opponent stands up, I am going to go to ashi garame or de la riva and sweep my opponent down and go immediately for an ankle lock submission. Yes, I agree that real fights don't start on the knees, though they often end up there while in transition from the ground up to the feet or on the way own from poor balance on someone's part. There are a dozen or more takedowns when I am on my knees and my partner stands, which is what I am going to do. So, it is not a waste of time. Learn to dominate from ALL positions and all situations would be a more worthwhile pursuit.


Knee wrestling can be good for people who are just starting out and aren't used to proper ukemi yet, or for people with injuries, as it reduces the amount of space to fall, saving energy for the ground game. One could think of wrestling from the knees as training wheels, whilst standup to newaza is the full experience.


I wish that I was given this advice ten years earlier.


Personnally when starting "on the knees" I immediately put myself sitting on my butt, like in a butterfly guard (see how Marcelo Garcia rolls for example, I try to do the same)


from personal experience in BJJ, one reason to start on knees is because too many people on a little bit of mat space. It saves people getting thrown to one another


Ok, the message is clear and I see your point. What is your proposal how to practice newaza randori?


I like when people do it to me, can use their momentum to sweep, the surprise on the face is precious ;)


One of the best examples for the effect you create is Hanmi hantachi in Aikido: in order to grab Nage the Uke must bend down to him or at least lean forward and that's what Nage uses against him easily.


Thank You. Nothing is stupider in training.
