Ch - 10 Nobel Laureates of Indian Origin | C V RAMAN | VVM | Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan Exam

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Ch - 10 Nobel Laureates of Indian Origin | C V RAMAN | VVM | Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan Exam

"India's Historic Contributions to Science and Technology: A Tribute to Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan"

Explore the rich legacy of India's scientific prowess in this insightful presentation prepared exclusively for Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan. From ancient times, India's achievements in science and technology have shaped its unique societal evolution, guided by the profound concept of 'vasudaiva kutumbakam' – the belief that the whole world is one family. This unity fostered tolerance, freedom of expression, and the pursuit of knowledge.

Visionaries like Varahamihira, Aryabhatta, Vagbhatta, and Susruta played pivotal roles in disseminating invaluable knowledge, propelling India to the forefront of scientific progress. Generous royal patronage fueled the integration of science into daily life, setting India apart as the 'golden sparrow' even in times when the Western world was in darkness.

This documentary emphasizes that knowledge is the most enduring and invaluable wealth, and those on a quest for it are on the path of enlightenment and liberation. Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan aspires to nurture today's students into tomorrow's leaders – scientists, technocrats, and innovators. Understanding our illustrious past is crucial, as it embodies the visionary spirit, wisdom, and compassion of ancient scientists and sages.

Witness the generosity with which they shared scientific knowledge for societal and national progress. Maintaining India's position as a global scientific leader is of utmost importance, a legacy already ignited by luminaries like Ramanujan, C.V. Raman, Vikram Sarabhai, APJ Abdul Kalam, and esteemed organizations such as ISRO, CSIR, DRDO, and more.

India boasts abundant talent waiting to be harnessed effectively and efficiently. Parents and teachers alike hold the responsibility of nurturing innovation in students. Cultivating a fervent scientific temperament is within reach, and together, we can achieve this goal. The path to success is not distant. Vande Mataram! 🇮🇳

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