(Live Archive) How Ike Led

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Join us for a virtual conversation with Susan Eisenhower, who describes in How Ike Led the ways in which her grandfather, President Dwight Eisenhower, led America through a transformational time using strategic, principled leadership.

Few people have made major decisions as momentous or varied as Eisenhower did. From D-Day to Little Rock, from the Korean War to Cold War crises, from the Red Scare to the Missile Gap controversies, Ike relied on a core set of principles to give our country 8 years of peace and prosperity. These were informed by his heritage and upbringing, as well as his strong character and personal discipline. But he also avoided making himself the center of things. He was a man of judgment, and steadying force. He sought national unity by pursuing a course he called the "Middle Way" that tried to make winners on both sides of any issue. And he was a strategic leader who relied on a rigorous pursuit of the facts for decision-making. His talent for envisioning a whole, especially in the context of the long game, and his ability to see causes and various consequences, explain his successes both as Allied commander and as president. And after making a decision, he made himself accountable for it, recognizing that personal responsibility is the bedrock of sound principles and is sorely missed whenever leaders lack it.

George Hammond

Susan Eisenhower
Policy Strategist; Security Expert; Author, How Ike Led

In conversation with George Hammond
Author, Conversations With Socrates

Part of our Good Lit series, underwritten by the Bernard Osher Foundation

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The program starts starting around 16:00 -- and it's neither more nor less "virtual" than any other video of a couple of talking heads: it's the real thing, a video of two people talking.


Did anybody notice the word... Evil... in the Commonwealth speech?! They should be using that word now, for what is going on...
