What is Psychosis?

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Psychosis is a word that describes what happens when people are experiencing and perceiving the world around them differently than others. In any given year, about 100,000 teens and young adults will experience psychosis. Follow our character through his experience with First Episode Psychosis, and learn more about the symptoms and resources available in Bexar County to help overcome psychosis.
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I had psychosis. It was after years of continuous weed abuse. I loved getting high. Was always therapeutic and especially helped me through stressful times. However, when the attacks hit, everything went crazy. I started seeing the TV more clearly and I could predict everything that was going on. The conversations seemed to be directed at me even when I changed the video (streaming youtube). Things started becoming too coincidental. Like a car would honk every time I looked at the window. Things could happen as I thought them. I could hear people talking outside and when I went out I found no one. Time was moving too fast and too slow at times. There was a time I thought I was hacked and I broke all my laptops. Another time I thought I was going to be crucified, burned or killed. Another time I thought I had messed with the Illuminati because of my online researches when am high, like checking out the dark net and all that stuff and I thought they were getting to me using demons. It started to creep me out. I thought I could hear demons, even though mostly their speech was in a mixed language I couldn't understand, it overwhelmed my mind because I couldn't make them stop even when I closed my ears. I couldn't control the voice in my head and it started speaking to me in third person. Talking like "You are a disgrace", "What are you doing here", "They dont like you", "End your life". I even started referring to myself as us. I couldn't sleep or eat because of paranoia. Sometimes, I could feel people looking at me. When I walked outside, I felt like they could read my mind and were plotting to eliminate me. I only walked outside to get food. Most of the time I was locked in my house. I didn't trust anyone even family. I could not let anyone in the house until my cousin threatened to break it so I let him in. He took me to a hospital, at this time, I had already accepted death and was willing to undergo anything anyone wanted just to stop this madness. I was treated with Tolanz 10 and Benzhexol among other drugs I didn't note down until things started making sense. At first I thought I had schizophrenia until came across weed induced psychosis. Never touched weed again. Its not worth it. BTW, it felt more spiritual than an illness. Reality was way off and am grateful to be back to normal. There's nothing worse than being on a different reality. My advice, lay off psychosis inducing drugs.


When you have psychosis, you feel everyone is talking about you. And you feel smart you overhear them.


I have psychosis. It's hell. I hear voices and see demons and shadows and I have paranoia and delusions. People don't really understand how hard it is for me. People think I just need to take my meds and that will fix everything but it doesn't.


You know what sucks? Some people are smart and if they don’t like something about you they’ll actually do some of these things in order to gaslight you. Even if you’re not psychotic at all there are people that will try to make you feel like you are.


I don't have psychosis I just occasionally think someone just said my name


My friend has psychosis after years of smoking weed and trauma all of his life.. what triggered the symptom was Mdma.. dont do drugs people not everyone is lucky to be not harmed


Man, I had psychosis for about 2yrs. I heard voices that claimed to be god, Jesus, and other biblical entities telling me I’d be a werewolf mixed with a couple other beings and my first change would me soon. The day came, nothing. I heard them say I’d receive gifts when I woke up certain mornings. I’d wake up, the gifts would be there. I’d try to grab them and they’d zoom away as if they were attached to some invisible cord like the prank people do with dollars and stuff. It even started happening with people. I’d get home from school and my family would greet me like they normally do. Even give me hugs and make physical contact. I’d go into the kitchen for a snack, walk back into the living room, they’d all be gone. Cars gone and everything. That was from 2014 to 2016. The visual hallucinations didn’t start until early 2016. In June of 2016 I finally got a grip on reality again and just like that, it all stopped. And I could finally sleep with a smile on my face.


1:04 There. Saved you a minute of your life.


For a long time I thought I was staring in a kind of Trueman show role. That the whole world knew who I was and was hiding it from me. And it wasn't in a 'oh I'm famous, great' way. I shut myself inside and didn't go out. I still do that but I'm slowly realising that no one's watching me.


Hello person reading through these comments.
I am a person who has had psychosis sines I was 13, I’m still trying to get over it, and if you have it to, I wish you luck.


I had psychiatric drug induced psychosis (Prozac). I can recall seeing animals and flowers as well as believing there were masked men robbing the house (which didn’t phase me at all). I was hearing things too, whispering etc. But the worst moment of all which I can remember vividly was staring at my shadow and it waving back which is just as scary as it sounds. Horrible.


Once i was at a meeting with my mom, i had a bad energy from one of the staff so i kept an eye on him, then i couldhave sworn he walked up behind me to another person and whispered "i think the little one there knows whats up".... scared me shitless and i still dont know if it was real or not, its been a year


I used to sneak out of my house to smoke pot. Everything was fine and dandy until I had to sneak back in. I was stoned out of my mind from hot boxing my friend's car. My step-father was sleeping on the couch, and me being in the state I was; I thought that was it for me. I had STRONG fears of being caught with him waking up. My anxiety was through the roof. I swear I could hear my parents coming up the stairs when they didn't. Psychosis is not a fun feeling. You feel as if you are in danger of something. It's not like something random either. My head would make up actual logic and connect dots that wasn't there. So it is not something you can just shrug off. Yes, you can tell yourself to calm down. Yet in the state of mind of creating logic of yourself being in danger... It's extremely hard with even the highest of will-power.


I have horrible psychosis. I tried therapy. I was not helped early. It started when I was 14. I'm 23 now... sometimes I just don't want to be here.


I had a pretty bad case of this for about a year +. I didn't show up for my last shift at work. I went for a drive and thought this truck from my work was following me and I drove for miles trying to evade it until I finally pulled off in to the grass and pulled a U-turn. When I finally went home from my friends house that night I passed about 6 cars in my neighborhood. I thought every car was my coworkers spying on me to prove I wasn't sick. I won't get in to why it happened but it was awful and I would never wish that on anyone. It took about a year and a half of therapy but I made it out. Went back to school, got a sweet job and everything turned out great.


This video puts it well. Plus, there's a great book on psychosis and schizophrenia called "Rethinking Madness". I believe that medication is there to mask the symptoms temporarily, but it's 100% curable as long as the person quits drugs and/or alcohol, and finds ways to deal with stress and anxiety in a healthy way.


Im in psychosis 95% of the time. Both awake and asleep


One time I was awake for 2 days on meth and that night I was smoking a cigarette on a little brick wall looking into the pitch black desert. All of the sudden I heard commotion and saw a few people in the distance, all I heard was "why'd you shoot him oh my god! Why'd you shoot him" at that point I knew what was happening in my head and I was like NOPE, turned around went inside and ignored it lol. One of many situations I had with psychosis, I'm a little over a year sober from meth. Don't ever touch that shit, it will ruin your life and lure you in. Even after a year away from it it's incredibly difficult to be happy and to forgive myself for what happened. Stay away it is not a hell I want anyone else to go through.


I think i had psycosis once when i smoked weed


I used to always hear voices and sounds in my room. One time my desk shook and my football medals were clanging. I tried to tell my parents but they did not believe me. For a year I thought someone was living in my room and would sleep with the door open just in case.
