Top 5 reasons the Fantastic 4 Reboot sucked

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We live in a world where Ant Man and Guardians of the Galaxy are more popular than Fantastic Four. This is both awesome and sad.


There is one thing that i will bring up as a good point to the other Fantastic Four movies, at least they treated Ben Grimm like a somewhat intelligent person. It is so easy for The Thing to be written as the dumb "rocks for brains" type character. However the 2000s era Fantastic Four movies remembered that he is a human with a brain and sure he was kind of depressed in the first one, he just got turned into a rock monster, but in the second one, Reed asked him his opinion on a comet that ended up being the Silver Surfer. I was shocked in that moment because he was being treated like a human and that is one good thing about those movies is that they never forgot that there was a man, an intelligent man, under the rock monster.


"Number one, doctor doom" doom agrees with you.


Reason 1-Fox
Reason 2-Fox
Reason 3-Fox
Reason 4-Fox
Reason 5-Fox


The original made the reboot look like the original was a reboot


Fantastic4 vs The Last Airender vs DragonBall Evolution vs Food Fight


I cannot wait for Cinemasins to tear this movie apart


lol they say why do batman?. because batman doesn't suck!


I honestly don't get what's so hard about making a Fantastic Four movie be good, to me it seems simple enough.

Reed Richards: Leader and brains of the team who has stretchy powers. He is a nice enough guy but gets wrapped up in science at times and needs to be brought back to reality sometimes but generally a good and warm hearted person who cares about life.

Susan Storm: Reed's girlfriend/wife and Johnny's older sister who feels a bit useless in the team which makes her insecure but she is actually the strongest with invisibility and manipulation of invisible, solid energy. She can be motherly and caring though if she is angered, you don't want to mess with her.

Johnny Storm: Hot head with matching powers, with the ability to manipulate flame and heat. He is often immature and a ladies man but can rise to the occasion if need be. He can be immature, and likes to prank The Thing, but he's a good person and he knows when to be serious.

Ben Grimm: A stubborn and angry guy outside, but a sweet and caring person with a heart of gold on the inside, he has a monsterous and rocky form he despises and wants to get rid of but slowly except it as his life and manages to build a normal and happy life for himself. He is the powerhouse of the group and the voice of reason and has a big brother relationship with Johnny STorm as well as being best friends with Reed.

Fantastic Four: A group of four with elemental-esque powers that operate pretty much like a family despite only two of them being related. They live in a large building in New York called the Baxter Building where Reed performs all his experiments and creates his inventions.

Victor Von Doom: A brilliant but egotistical man from a European country called Latveria where he was born from and eventually taken over. He is a man of science and magic, and being highly skilled in both regards and is always two steps ahead of his enemy. He doesn't back down from a challenge but prepares for all possibilities including having a nearly identical "Doombot" in his place if he should be killed or captured. Was scarred in an experiment that he believes Reed ruined which is why he goes against him and the FF and he wears armor that was made by monks with which he put the mask on while it was still red hot which scarred him even more so he keeps the mask on all the time.

Funny, for as much flak the old movies get, they only really fucked up Dr. Doom, as well as Galactus but at least the FF were like the comic book counter parts. Not sure why they can't get a good Dr. Doom, if the magic aspect is too much, make him evil Iron Man who rules a made up country and you have a cool villain. Don't make him a robot or some dude with lightning powers, make him a bad ass and someone who actually seems like they could take on the likes of the Fantastic Four.


You know things are dire when Rob does a video telling us why something suck, he's easily one of the most mellow guy around


While I will admit this movie was a failure, I still love the characters from the comic universe in general.


Fox give Fantastic 4 back to Marvel so they can make it into a T.V. show on Netflix.


The most infuriating thing is, Fox are not even interested in the Fantastic Four movie rights. They're probably making this shitty reboot to keep the rights of all of the characters and races that came with the Fantastic Four package: Doctor Doom, Galactus, Skrulls, Kang the Conqueror, Shi'ar Empire, and so many more.


The actors really didnt give a shit if you watch this one buzzfeed interview they did they just looked so bored and tired and annoyed at each other


Idk, I must be that weirdo that loves the old ones. Ben Grim's love story in the old ones with that beautiful blind woman was great.


I had a nightmare that a sequel was already confirmed for June 2017. Wait...


Am I the only one that loves the first 2 F4 movies?
Am I the only one that wants Hulk, X-Men and F4 back 100% at Marvel?


Is it odd to think that I knew this movie was going to suck before ever thinking of seeing it? Why? If you're going to have Dr. Doom, at least try having an actor with some real on screen chops go after the role. Anthony Hopkins played Odin for fuck sakes. Try Jeffery Rush or Charles Dance as Doom. Give him some age, wisdom, and on screen presence. Or better yet, give Doom his own movie, and stop trying to reboot a failed franchise based on a cancelled comic.


I'm glad this bombed.  maybe now they do the right thing and give the rights to Marvel.


Don't forget that Ben Grimm (The Thing) is completely naked in the entire movie. You get to see his "rocky" bits every time he's on camera.

Also lets not forget that they cut 30% of the movie before it was even released.
