10 Tips to Get Started in The Sims 4 Realm of Magic

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Realm of Magic is not bad, but I have some gripes. Here's some tips to get you started in the latest Game Pack. Why are they angry tips? Because it's almost everything you need to know in one go. Some of this info may be useful in deciding if you are OK with the things I dislike.

(this one will be heavily updated in coming days so check back!)


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“It needed a bit more time and thought” explains the sims 4 perfectly, unfortunately


The game doesn't NEED to be hard but it used to feel like there was a choice. Now it's "dollhouse or leave".


I dont like how basic the houses look. They shouldve made them look like cottages more magical hogwartsy looking. They look like frat houses


I've noticed the game dosen't add new mechanics it just reuses the same stuff in different dressings


Lazy Game Reviews but it’s Carl and he’s not lazy, just angry


I gotta agree with you. EA is making thinngs wayyy too simple and easy. Where's the challenge in everything?


hopefully some modders use realm of magic as a piggy back to make much more creative spells that don’t reuse the same effects and same animations.


"It needed a bit more time and thought"
That pretty much sums up The Sims 4. Great ideas, horrible execution. Everything just feels half-assed and they keep getting away with it. Thank you for being honest as always.


Thank you. This was helpful. The one thing I hear over and over on all the Sims 4 packs or all kinds is that there is no depth to any of them. I miss my Sims having memories and caring when things happen to them. How cool would it be if a Sim you zapped with a spell remembered, and then later tried to zap them or something? Consequences. There are no consequences for anything. No Sim remembers anything. My level 9 scientist Sim met and worked with her coworker since level 1. When their relationship score went too low, she had to introduce herself again. No! This should not be.


How cool would it have been if you could turn or "curse" people into vampires or werewolves? Or if you could turn yourself back into a child (benjamin button style) to avoid death? Or into a pet? Why can you only turn other Sims into "objects"? I personally also would have loved to have this *quest* style thing again like in Strangerville, *to save the magical realm from falling apart?* They set up this whole plot and did nothing with it?


I hate that paintings remain the only craftable that are worth doing a retail store for. I really wanted to make a potion shop, but potions aren't worth squat.


I, personally, hate how easy the sims 4 is


Yeah see, I don't want sims to be painstaking....but some good solid challenge would be nice. Also, less lazy animations would be good too. If they did allow cross lifestates, then maybe they could have made it so different abilities and weakness have effects on each other, making them better or worse or negating them depending on the power...something to add a hurdle and something to do with a character.


Vampires introducing weaknesses makes me want it more, as you said there's no challenge.


Carl is awesome and so helpful. I love how honest he is!


Well, it could be worse and I do have ambition about this DLC, wish there were more house lots and being a fairy and witch too. Gonna expect the fans will say "you're asking too much" or "that's for Expansion Packs."

I complain the Sims 4 more than other games and other Sims games because the Sims 4 base game and DLC lacks content, games like The Witcher 3 and Skyrim, I don't complain those DLC because they actually expand the game and adding more content while being reasonably priced.


I'm glad you've covered the live gameplay aspects of this GP, every other EA game changer chose to go through every single CAS/Build/Buy item that they had shown in the live stream already. It feels like a great majority of the community only cares about building and CAS, if the gameplay lacks depth they don't care. The amount of recycled content in this spells/potions is outrageous. Also one apple to fulfill all needs, what?!..


They should have made the different types of magic like aspirations; milestones and requirements with the ability to use that type of magic as a reward trait. That way a Sims could probably manage to get three in a normal life span. Plus that would have more replay value.


Come on people! When are we going to rally together and stop purchasing these half-baked, buggy game packs?!! That's the ONLY way we will see change! Money talks and gets results more than anything else. WE are allowing them to take advantage of us when we continue to buy anything and everything they put out. We are letting them get away with more and more. And, yes, I'm taking my own advice. I'm not purchasing this pack! Okay, I'm done. I got that off my chest. Ha ha! Anyway, thank you for the review, Carl! It's very informative as always. I appreciate what you do.


I do miss the challenge of The Sims 1 and 2, and even parts of 3.
My only theory is that they're trying to market to younger and younger audiences, but that's not where they money is.

The real money is in geeks in their mid 20s to early 40s (give or take a few years). I would know, that's my audience lol.

Pretty much, they're shooting themselves in the foot by trying to target to kids, and on top of that, putting out lackluster content.
I'm hoping that when they finally get around to making The Sims 5, they get a better team that still cares about the fans.
