Deep Dive into Trauma and how it affects YOUR life !trauma !guide !team

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Dr. K’s Guide to Mental Health explores Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, and Meditation

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please do release this workshop on YouTube. we don't all have easy time finding info about ACTUAL STUFF YOU NEED TO DO TO GET THERE. if its not popular in comparison with other vids its still important for many. we can't all just go to therapy.


I've had a recent realization that self-sabotage is self-abandonment. It's abandoning ourselves to our circumstances, our traumas, and our stress. Every time we choose the "fuck it" response, we are abandoning ourselves. Sabotage is planning out a negative outcome. That hardly ever happens. We don't start our day meticulously planning how we'll screw something up. More often, we just get overwhelmed and hit the "fuck it" button and toss ourselves to the tide. The solution is to self-partner and get on our own side. Be a true friend to ourselves and be self-compassionate with our responses. Like, just take a beat and ask yourself, "what is the outcome I'd prefer here?" And do THAT.


What's going on in the lives of those 40% of kids who have no trauma in their lives? Is anyone studying the absence of trauma in childhood? I think that would help parents and schools do a better job of parenting and teaching!


I have cptsd, it took a long time to untangle the mess. It presented as anxiety disorder and depression when I was 16 and then I got diagnosed with ADHD 2 years ago when I turned 20. Trauma influences every aspect of your life, you start people pleasing, you start losing your own personality and identity to become a more accepted and likeable person, just so you can maintain the superficial relationship with a parent. You become ashamed and deeply affected by your failure and feel unlovable when you make mistakes. You rely heavily on the approval and acceptance of others, just to feel good enough. You are hyperaware of the moods and needs of others and deny your own needs and wants to accomodate theirs. You don't know who you are or what you want in life. You become a perfectionist with an inability to start something and deadly afraid of making choices. You are so afraid of people abandoning you and think that even small mistakes could lead to that. You start to dissociate, you get burned out quick. Nightmares invade your sleep and you become a tired hypervigilant mess.
All this because the world wasn't safe for you and the people that needed to protect you didn't. It's not your fault


I opened the floodgates to emotions 40 yrs ago and haven't stopped crying since. The sadness has never resolved. I worked out regularly, rollerbladed, hiked, developed close friendships, finished college, started a new career, and went to therapy whenever I could afford it. so many yrs I'm nack in therapy because of the hopelessness I feel.


Trauma is such a broad concept to tackle. We've all had our fair share of experiencing or encountering tarumatic events in our lives, even the ones we couldn't get over.


The more I listen to topics like this, the more I start to believe that humans evolved way beyond what they are physiologically designed to do. Our entire mind just collapses under pressure, because we're designed to have do or die responses, but we're trying to project them onto daily life, which always feels like a do or die situation, in 2023. Ancient people didn't have an endless towering presence of taxes over their head. Once you kill that danger, it was gone


On nature being mentally healthy - Lao Tzu said, "Nature does not rush, yet everything is accomplished." It's healing to see an ecosystem just *exist* for the sake of existing. Keeps our own lives in perspective.


I recommend this channel to my friends as much as I can (without getting annoying) because I've learned so much about myself and our minds.


As a massage therapist, I specialized in trauma in the body. Triggers can actually be a physical posture or even a touch. Anxiety can be induced by sitting at a desk with a No. 2 pencil that unconsciously reminds us of the anxiety experienced while taking tests. It's not uncommon for clients to have an emotional release from trauma on the massage table. That's why we either need a double major in psychology, have resources aka phone numbers of therapists, or work with a psychologist to work through the trauma after the table work.


For me, my traumatic experiences were not "traumatic" until I realised they were when I got older.

Edit: Since some people responded with how it doesn't make sense that something can become traumatic later in life, it can. It's about unresolved feelings about a particular situation, and if you're put in a similar situation as an adult, those memories come back as similar feelings you had back then.
I'm not Dr. K or a psychiatrist, but I have a bsc in psychology and I suggest you do research before you stomp on someone else's experiences.


Tapping was the first modality that really helped me get started on healing. It was the only thing I'd tried up to that point that literally cleared the trauma from my body and was affordable (a few other modalities did that, but were too expensive for me to do more than once). It's interesting to hear all the bodily responses it affects; at the time I was using it, I noticed it helped me feel my emotions without getting completely overwhelmed by them. I could focus on the physical sensation of the tapping to keep from dissociating while I felt and processed my trauma. I'm so glad Dr. K is validating this technique, it's so easy to do and doesn't cost a thing!


About people not being able to cry & being shamed for crying. I frequently heard, stop crying or I will give you something to cry about.


Needed to see this!

Wish stuff like this could be shared with loved ones without it coming across as an insult or a diss


Dr. K you're my hero. Literally. I've been to a lot of bad doctors and for a long time believed that there was practically no doctor capable of understanding what I go through and how to treat me. You proved me wrong without me even knowing you personally.
I'm autistic and I have a very manipulative, invalidating BPD mom. My life is a history of violated boundaries (specially in regards to autism; got CPTSD from that) and I'm recovering and getting immensely better now just by studying trauma and doing alone work on myself; and you play a very great part at this.


From minute 4:00 - "if you have an abusive parent there is no point in wanting things for the future" - had a mother who beat me up, she too was beaten up often by her father. I wanted to draw, I was told no, I wanted to play the guitar at 7, I was told no, Wanted a camera at 14, told no. 15- started drinking alcohol, smoking, taking drugs. Started hanging around with graffitti artists. -> 19 - Mother told me to go to Public Relations University. I said ok, but also want private lessons for drawing. Finally accepted. Got among top 10 in the Industrial Design University, dropped. Got in the top 20 at the Fine Arts University. Started working as a photographer, bought guitars, later on moved to graphic design. Now I am 33. It would've helped if my mother actually supported me more. BUT! I think she paid all her mistakes by listening me with those drawing lessons. You young ones! BELIEVE. You young ones! THRIVE. AND SEEK WHAT YOU LOVE WITH YOUR HEART. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL!


Ugh.. what would we mere mortals do without Dr.K?? Amazing video as always. Dr.K should get a nobel prize for his work... he's really doing God's work considering how priced out and inaccessible mental healthcare is in the US.


Hello Dr K. You said at the beginning of the video, that making an 8 hour video would not be watched by many and you are right. But I am an avid learner of psychology and youre videos help me IMMENSELY on understanding myself and how to grow and learn to get back up. I would 100% watch your 8 hour video. Even if it was 24 hours i would do it. I love hearing the gritty details i guess lol. But please please consider making at least 1 video explaining in full detail about some of the most important psychological and spiritual core components. I think it would be of great help for people seeking knowledge for knowledge sake. Thank you Dr K.


My severe cPTSD presents with rage, aggression, paranoia, hypervigilance, self isolation, severe social fatigue and avoidance, and antisocial traits. I don't have much of the classic anxiety and I never experience panic attacks, but I do get feral rage explosions. I've been arrested for them and forced into A&E to be forcibly sedated because I can't stop in that state and I'm a high risk to others and my own state of health (I have chronic illnesses and risk arrhythmias, epileptic seizures and hypoxia in such episodes, I get rushed to resus with around 6-8 police officers dealing with me, basically have a rage attack and have more trauma). I oddly have a decreased startle reflex and I don't experience bad dreams or flashbacks, but I am hypervigilant cognitively, every time someone tries to make attachment to me, my antisocial traits really come out. I had every category of abuse as a child except cult like stuff that sometimes can happen, and it was abuse daily, daily beatings, daily psychological torture, and regularly being locked in my room for two days straight where I had to urinate on a towel because I couldn't hold it anymore, being poisoned, my mother's Munchausen's by proxy, and sexual assault as a child (I won't say the r word, some people are sensitive to it in the trauma world) multiple times by my grandfather, and I had neglect too, I was taught nothing at all except what I learnt at school. I currently live in severe self isolation and I refuse to try and integrate with society, I have never been employed as I've been signed off on unemployment and disability since I was 18 due to how extreme my behaviour becomes with normal adult life and also I don't have basic adult skills beyond what I can science. I am good at science and that's it. It's a weird life but I'm finally calm now that I'm self segregating from society. My mother drank right throughout pregnancy and then her Munchausens means I can pin 8 of my disabilities on her.


Videos about trauma are very frustrating for me to watch because the effects of trauma match my experiences, but the cause of my trauma is so different than the causes of trauma Dr. K talks about. It's like I've found "the solution" to my problems, but the more I listen, the more I find the solution doesn't apply to me. It's a very hopeless feeling.
