The BEST Guide to Maximize Qingyi ! Best Build, Combos, Teams - ZZZ

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Here is my complete guide to Qingyi, our first limited Stun Unit in Zenless Zone Zero! She provides consistent uninterrupted Daze, BIG Damage increases, some decent personal damage, and the power of being a universal unit. She has so many fluid animation chains that let her create some satisfying and powerful combos. I go through Qingyi's best build, combos, and teams. W Engines, Disk Drives, Main Stats, substats, everything is explored today! I hope this helps, and if it did, lemme know with a like and a sub! I hope you enjoyed this Zenless Zone Zero gameplay and guide :)
Have a guoba day! ˁ(◠ᴥ◠)ˀ

00:00 Introduction, Overview, Level Priority
01:13 Flash Connect Voltage
01:50 Basic Attacks
02:44 Simple Basic Attack Combo
03:05 Quality of Life vs. Current Stun Units
03:41 Flash Connect Attacks & Combos
04:51 Her OP Core Passive! Stun Multiplier INCREASE
06:11 Qingyi EX Specials
06:44 Hold or Tap EX?
07:26 Extra Small Quality of Life
07:40 100 Voltage Qingyi Combo!
08:07 Make your own Combos?
08:34 Additional Ability: DPS Boost?
08:58 Qingyi Mindscape Review
10:07 Qingyi Best Build
10:27 Ice Jade Teapot
11:05 Qingyi Best W-Engines / Weapons
11:30 Qingyi Best Teams / Example Teams
13:02 Anby vs Qingyi ?

Jupiter of EuropaCrafts for the model rig
Gameplay, Websites: Hoyoverse, Hoyowiki, Youtube
SFX and Music: Pixabay, Hoyoverse, HoyoMix.
Editor: Me :)

#zzz #zenless #zzzero #qingyi #hoyocreators #zzzguide
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So Qingyi got a nice buff or two :) Any pullers? IM GOING ALL IN FOR CAESAR


“remember, switching to your stunner is faster than reloading”


I pulled for Qingyi, and I do not regret it. One of the best units I have gotten in Gacha games in general.

Super strong without needing her W-engine or copies since is extra power to an already powerful unit. Which is favorable for F2P or low spenders.

I'm debating if to go for her M1 or W-engine. I am doing great using her with Anby's sig(the Elec dmg and Energy regen passives are so good).

She is the most smooth and fluid stunner in the game. She feels and performs perfectly. Just how a limited character should always. It feels weird coming back to Lycaon and Koleda after using Qingyi.


Grabbed her because I'll do anything for Zhu Yuan.

Also because I was tired of getting stuck in 12Dodge loops on Anby because of the enemies misaligning, or the very narrow AOE that Anby has compared to Qingyi.


random notice but they made the anomaly gauge bigger


Skipping for Calydon, but still watching because you're the GOAT


She's robocop. She had to be pulled. Now to try and resist the teapot... Thanks Guoba for the great guide :)


I am going to be ambitious and pull for both qingyi and jane! Thanks for the info on qingyi :D


In my personal opinion, she is waaayy better than anby in term of ease of use. I was so frustrated with how easy anby get interrupted, especially at shiyu 15-17. With qingyi, grouping bunch of enemy is way easier n her combo is so easy to execute without fear of interruption, saving a lot of time.


-You pull for the cool robot
-I'm pulling M6 for the cooler robot 😎
We are not the same.


Love Qingyi, probably M1 and engine. Thanks for the guide.


Im a very casual player, but I enjoy watching these types of videos. Regardless, I got Qingyi just cause she looked EXTREMELY fun to play as and I'm so happy that I did. Her movements are so fluid and even if its a slow chip at the stun meter (the way I build her at least since I'm not too sure what I do) she's just so dang satisfying to connect all of her attacks.


Initially was going to skip qingyi, but reconsidering her after hearing the 80% impact boost


I already have Koleda and Lycaon but pulled for her anyway. She’s just so fun to play, and matches so well with Zhu Yuan and Nicole where Anby just felt inadequate. So far I’m not disappointed, she’s been an absolute beast.


I pulled for Qingyi because I love her. Wanted to try getting her and her W-Engine, but I lost 50/50 and got both that and the guarantee very late, so now I have to decide if I want Jane Doe or Qingyi's W-Engine.


She seems great and I like her design but I really did not like spam-tapping during her trial, especially when I'm so used to Hold = Continuous Damage from Zhu Yuan and Corin. I suppose I could always macro it or something but it would be nice if they made "Repeat Tap" bindable on its own as an accessibility feature or something.

Edit/Update: I did end up grabbing her and after getting used to her the basic3 tapping isn't so bad and in any sort of significant fight, there's a lot of fun time/opportunity to be weaving in dodges, EX, etc. so the awkward tutorial where you just basic3 for a prolonged period never really happens. I think she's a lot of fun and would recommend her to anyone on the fence (of course, Jane and the Bikers seem cool too and like all Hoyo games it seems we'll be able to do whatever we want with proper artifacts and builds regardless of who we pull -- so don't fomo!).


Pulled her yesterday ! Third 50/50 won on this game ! Almost skipped her, but after testing, she’s just too good ! Now on to the long road to build her for my Zhu / Nicole team…


Got qinqyi and got insanely lucky on the weapon banner so I have her engine too. I think I'll save for burnice now


She is super strong and a ton of fun to play. Most fluid kit in the game by far - you can dodge and dodge and dodge and still jump right back into your combo, it just feels so good. And ZY really really loves that damage amp: Qingyi stun to Nicole special to ZY burst deletes almost anything in the game. Only warning is that if you pull Qingyi, she becomes the main character in your team lol.


Thanks for this i just used the power of money to roll for her
