Star Trek Picard 2x05 Review Part 4 Q's Timeline Plot Explained

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The really funny point of failure is that getting access to the party requires someone already being inside. Remember how the Watcher had People Puppet powers last week? Because the writers sure forgot.


the next episode should be called ocean 10 forward


The albino idea is really good. A pity this show is anything but "good." Well, at least Jurati "learned to code."
Scratch that, it's not even a show. It's a "tell." It tells us things and expects us to listen, even if they don't make any sense. Thanks Alex Kurtzman!


The Bored Queen being an imaginary friend is an obvious rip-off, I mean "homage", to Farscape's Scorpius & Crichton.


What you're saying about not interfering reminds me of Sisko and Bashir in Past Tense. They knew they couldn't help, even if they wanted to because it might damage the time line and it was painful to sit back and do nothing. Only when they interfered by accident did they start helping. Even then, it was to do things in a way as close to the original as possible to the point Sisko posing as Gabriel Bell.


Kluzman Trek has no clones only CLOWNS.


I love the "Part X" intro's. Very Plinkett-esque.


Still say the Watcher chick having a vault door in her apt is beyond stupid, in Garry 7 's episode it was a disguise, here it should be something else


The reason why Hollywood needles and syringes look like they came from the early part of the last century is because the prop has to look convincingly real, but the needle tip needs to have a large enough surface area so that as the prop is used, it doesn’t actually puncture the actor’s skin for real.


When you think about it, helping those prisoners escape is probably going to cause a bigger disruption in the timeline than just beaming Rios out in front of people. And it will probably end up hurting those prisoners more than it will help.

A prison transport being hijacked and the prisoners being freed is very rare. I know there have been a few times when a prisoner managed to steal a prison van but I don't know if a bus full of prisoners has ever been hijacked before.

There's going to be a large scale manhunt for the escaped prisoners. There'd be a major investigation looking into how it happened. Law enforcement are going to think that there's a criminal or terrorist group who are able to break people out of prison transports without leaving evidence. Any of the prisoners who get recaptured will be interrogated for a long time. There'd likely be more security and funding for ICE. In the end, they will probably crack down on illegal immigrants even harder.

They could have easily made the Rios rescue make more sense by having him find an important piece of information first so that they had to get him back to save the timeline. And they could have rescued him by beaming him out when he's alone.


The series finale should be Roddenberry showing up.and kicking down the sets and bitch slapping all the writers and showrunner.


After seeing Jurati, in that dress, I also give it a two (😏) out of ten.


4:47 You gave it two out of ten because Jurati has two...


It is quite weird that control room is the only place where you put "captured/detained" suspicious guests, I would expect a place with such heightened security to have a separate room to keep them in until police arrives.

Also Q, seeing how their power is about snapping fingers I do think they should've introduced another time (or maybe dimensions) traveling villain who tries to undermine Renee Picard first flight and maybe they would be on a power level of this stupid Watcher instead of omnipotent Q that mysteriously lost his powers. It would be funny If it was a person from the far future of Federation, maybe shortly after The Burn, who tried to change the future and prepare federation for thE burN but failed and created fascist dystopia (or maybe thought that fascist humanity if better than the Federation).


It would be fascinating to see what goes through the writers heads when they are spewing this dreck. They could use an MRI machine.


Actually watching it would be even more torture than hearing you narrating the storry in the context of the Startrek universe


7:06 Star Trek Online has a mission where you interact with the USS Defiant, the Constitution class that ends up in the Mirror Universe. Daniels stops you from rescuing the ship and her crew, saying that the hardest part of being a Temporal Agent is preserving the timeline by *not* rescuing people in trouble.


Maybe it will turn out quite differently as expected after all: The Watcher could be the real villian, who tries to get Renee Picard to fulfil her mission, which will lead to the dystopian future somehow and Q wants to help, but is somehow blocked. And maybe the Q we see in the last Episode is the Q from the past (before transporting Picard back in time), so basically he sent Picard into the past to help his former self. Ah... and the villian watcher is a younger version of Laris after all. She may develop feelings for Picard and than travels into the Future to become Laris. Pretty logical, isn`t it? 😁😜


The Sung daughter having the contrived illness where she can't go outside -- it gave me Repo! the Genetic Opera vibes, which didn't seem that farfetched considering the shared dystopia theme.


As someone who grew up in Florida, I hope they do show the rocketship Rae Picard flies her space mission in.

The simulator ride Rae was in appears like they're using Apollo13 tech.
