David Jaz Myers: 'Three Realisms and The Idea of Sheaves'
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Finding the Right Abstractions Summit 2021
David Jaz Myers: 'Three Realisms and The Idea of Sheaves'
Berkeley Seminar: David Jaz Myers, 8/7/2023
David Jaz Myers - Degrees, Dimensions, and Crispness
David Jaz Myers: A general definition of open dynamical system
David Jaz Myers: 'A synthetic approach to orbifolds'
David Jaz Myers, Higher Schreier theory
The sheaf property
What is category theory?
A Brief Overview of Sheaf Theory - Part 1
Who Gives a Sheaf? Part 1: A First Example
Category theory meets the internet
Tutorial on Sheaves in Data Analytics : Lecture 1
A Brief Overview of Sheaf Theory - Part 3
Twisted Forms of Sheaves and H^1
What are we tracking? How Applied Category Theory puts thinking on rails
Antonio Rieser (03/29/23): Algebraic Topology for Graphs and Mesoscopic Spaces
Sayan Mukherjee (8/29/21): Modeling shapes and fields: a sheaf theoretic perspective
Lecture 3: Sheaf Neural Networks - Cristian Bodnar
ACT@UCR Research Meeting: Sheaves and Ringed Spaces - Joe Moeller
Who Gives a Sheaf? Part 6: Natural Transformations
AMMI 2022 Course 'Geometric Deep Learning' - Seminar 4 (Neural Sheaf Diffusion) - Cristian...
Computation of the Godement Resolution for Sheaves over Finite Spaces
Toby St Clere Smithe: 'Compositional Active Inference'
Sheaves of Modules, video 1