Все публикации

Amélia Liao: 'Cubical types for the working formalizer'

Seth Frey: 'Online communities as model systems for commons governance'

Chris Fields: 'What is the Identity operator?'

Christine Tasson: 'Semantics for Reactive Probabilistic Programming'

Spencer Breiner: 'Polynomial Interfaces'

Cyrus Omar: 'Totally Live Programming and Proving in Hazel'

Will Crichton: 'How to Make Mathematicians Into Programmers (And Vice Versa)'

Arthur J Parzygnat: 'A generalization of inversion using Bayes' rule with applications to quantum'

[Berkeley Seminar] CB Aberle: All Concepts are Essentially Algebraic

[Berkeley Seminar] Priyaa Srinivasan: Communicating Relational Thinking

Fabio Gadducci: 'From gs-monoidal to cartesian categories: a structural analysis'

Mason Porter: 'Topological Data Analysis of Spatial Systems'

Bartosz Milewski: 'Parametric Profunctor Preoptics'

Alex Simpson: 'Three toposes for probability and randomness'

Steve Vickers: 'The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus: point-free'

Berkeley Seminar: David Spivak, A tour of EM(Cat#) (5/20/2024)

Nicola Gambino: 'Monoidal bicategories, differential linear logic, and analytic functors'

Elena Di Lavore: 'Effectful trace semantics via effectful streams'

M Andrew Moshier: Relations for Order Regular Categories

Shaowei Lin: AI-assisted Coding. Correct by Construction, Not by Generation

Valeria de Paiva: Network Mathematics for All

Alexander Kurz: Canonical Extensions of Quantale Enriched Categories

Daniele Struppa: An Introduction to Superoscillations and Supershift

Evan Patterson: Domain specific Logics for Scientific Modeling Theory and Practice