Non Metallic Metal for Dummies (like me)

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Monument Hobbies Pro Acryl: (my brushes, also paint, primer, etc.):
10% off your total order! Enter COUPON CODE: ninjon

Umbrella Games (where I buy my hobbies goodies in North America!):
With my link, gain an EXTRA 5% off MSRP, meaning most products are 20% off!!!

Element Games - (ALL your hobby needs, UK based, ships WORLDWIDE):
Use Referral Code: JON1303 for DOUBLE STORE CREDIT CRYSTALS on your first purchase!

Red Grass Games (my mini holder & wet palate)

AMAZON LINKS: materials I use, no extra cost to you and they give me a bit of money as a kickback (anything you buy while starting with these links, actually!):

Jo Sonja Magic Mix (the medium I use for my paints):

Magnifier Glasses (Sexy gogs)

My Airbrush: Iwata HP-CS:

Airbrush Thinner:

Brush Cleaning Tank

Flexible Sanding Sticks

Vortex Mixer


Wall Mounted Paint Racks (Nail Polish Rack)

0:00 Intro
2:08 Beginning the Metals
4:14 NO Two Thin Coats Here
5:01 The Angle of Your Light Dangle
6:45 Big Brightness Jumps
10:34 Make it BRIGHTER
12:31 Does Gold Work the Same?
13:50 A Color Scheme to Match
15:19 Quick Leather & NMM Black?!
19:06 Final Reveal and Outtakes
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The moment you slapped the first bit off paint on it looked like metal to me lol.


i've watched a lot of NMM tutorials, and yet this is the first that really made me understand it, so thank you.


I tell you a secret guys:
Most of you already did a lot of NMM without knowing it.
Edge Highlight actually is baby first NMM.
NMM as we know it is just moving it to bigger scale surfaces which are not as sharp so this "edge highlight" is wider and needs more detail.


When you had the steel done, I was impressed, that looks good. But then you added the bounce reflections... yup, it suddenly became much more 'real' and believable as steel! superb.


Jon I just want to say that you have some of the best painting videos out there, no cap. Your teaching style is so concise and easy to follow, I really think you've hit the gold standard for this sort of thing.
Not trying to blow smoke up your ass here, simply want you to know that the effort you put into your videos is really appreciated. Keep it up, dawg.


Desaturating the highlight is exactly what I was missing and ended up with blue armour!! You sir have earnt my sub!!


By far the best short and to the point tutorial on non metallic metal i have ever viewed. Usually i try, and suck. Then my head hurts, i smash something and just use metallic paint and move on. I finally get it now, i gotta finish it regardless of how garbage it looks. THANK YOU!


This was the first time I watched one of your videos. Not only are your explanations crystal clear but I love your humor. Liked and subscribed


Got drawn in for the NMM... Stayed for the hope of seeing Argus again. He's so adorable!

Also, I think I'm now ready to try NMM for the first time... Maybe.


OH MY GOD. ARGUS IS SO FLOPPY <3 Your texture work around @15:00 is inspiring. I'm just gonna start tiny dash slopping all my fabric now.


Ive knoticed all the technics that mini painters are using nowadays are the same technics I learned in art school in the 90ds


I've watched so many videos on NMM and this is the first one that actually explained what was being done and made me feel like I understood what was happening. Tried my first NMM off the back of this, and I'm really happy with the result! Great video, and definitely one I'll recommend when people talk to me about NMM. Well-earned subscription, and now I'll be poring through your videos to see if there's other techniques that I don't feel I understand yet!


This has been the best intro to NMM I've seen so far: Great pacing, great explanations and presentation *and* you divided it into sections! Thank you so much, I'm so glad I found your channel! (subscribed)!


Awesome video dude, been wanting to try NMN for a bit now, this is a really good guide


best NMM guide out there, and I've watched em all at this point. Youi pointed out some things I was doing wrong and also pointed out something no one else has mentioned, colour reflections from the base.


Good point about those midtones (or lack of midtones). Been something I've been working on and to have it clearly articulated is spot on.


Love this, everything came together like magic as those last reflections went on 😄


The idea of NMM painting has always terrified me, like directional lighting. I’ve… tried it before but I… well, if I’m honest I can’t say that I messed it up; I actually think it was more that I chickened out at the last moment and abandoned it before I really gave it a fair crack.

This is awesome, mate. It’s nice, clear-cut information laid out in a really straightforward way, which is what you need from a video like this.


You have the magic power to make any technique approachable and fun, even the most intimidating. You don't make it too complicated but you do push your viewer just out of their confort zone. Also puppy 🖤💙🖤💙


I've been painting for a few years, but only recently really tried to actively improve. Im about to try my first NMM, and this video is easily the best I've come across on the subject. Thank you for making it seem approachable! What an absolutely inspiring talent you have. I'm stoked to try this out
