A coup in Bolivia?

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Was this the shortest coup ever?
Attempted coup taking place in Bolivia
A coup in Bolivia?
Coup fears raised in Bolivia as tanks seen ramming into presidential palace
Bolivian police arrest leader of coup attempt | BBC News
Bolivian military pulls back, general arrested after failed coup attempt
Military coup attempt in Bolivia – President Arce warns of 'irregular' military action | D...
Bolivia Presidential Palace Stormed in Coup Attempt
Fears of coup attempt in Bolivia as soldiers storm presidential palace
Bolivian president thanks people after facing down failed coup attempt
Top Army General in Bolivia arrested after failed coup attempt
Attempted coup in Bolivia appears to be failing as leader arrested
Bolivia's coup leader Zuniga was sacked and arrested after a failed attempt
Coup attempt highlights risk to Bolivian democracy | REUTERS
Bolivian military leaders arrested after apparent coup attempt | DW News
Apparent military coup fails in Bolivia
Bolivia’s president finds new strength after coup plot | REUTERS
Former army chief arrested after coup attempt in Bolivia fails
Bolivian President Arce Faces Alleged Coup Attempt Amid Economic Crisis and Rising Discontent
Bolivia: people power or military coup?
Bolivia's president accusing military general of coup
Watch: Bolivian Soldiers Storm Presidential Palace in Failed Coup Attempt | WSJ News
Is Bolivia's Evo Morales the victim of a coup? | UpFront (Feature)
Bolivia’s presidential palace stormed by soldiers in attempted coup
Suspected leaders of Bolivian coup attempt remanded in custody • FRANCE 24 English