Canon in D (Pachelbel) - Violin & Piano

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Canon in D / Kanon in D

One of the most famous pieces of baroque in a version for violin and piano. The modern interpretation of the famous classical piece.

Sophie Moser - Violin
Katja Huhn - Piano
Filmmaker - Jannik Tondorf
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I used to play this song on the violin when I was 13, it was the only song I knew how to play off by heart. I stopped playing because of the bullying I used to get at school for playing the violin as the violin wasn’t ‘cool’. It was the first time I picked up my violin in 6 years today and I can still play this song, not as great as before but still I am surprised. This song has truly brought so much joy into my world and I can’t believe I let the bullying get to me. I hope this gives me some insentive to continue practicing to get back where I left off


its taken me seven whole years to find this mom used to play this for me when I was a baby. when i couldn't go to sleep, she would take me into the guest bedroom and sit down in the rocking chair, and she would play this song...ever since I was old enough to know the tune, i had hunted for this song. i knew my mom wouldn't know what the name was, but I coolant describe the tune to anyone else. then a few days ago, in music class, a boy in my class sat down at the piano and played this song. I was speechless. I ran to my music teacher and asked her what the name was. she told me, and i scribbled it down in my notebook. all i wanted to do was run home and look it up and find it. its taken me a few days to get around to it, but finally I've found it. now all those memories of sitting in that old rocking chair with my mother are all coming back to me.. edit: OMG THANK YOU ALL FOR THE LIKES I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD GET 2k THANK YOU ALL 🙏🏻🤗😍


My husband and I had a professional violinist play this at our wedding ceremony. It was absolutely beautiful.


cant imagine that this song was from 16th century and still alive now. It sounds timeless😍


I'm a violinist and whilst the melody is relatively easy to master, getting it to sound that clean is extremely hard. It took me a year to get to fully master Canon and get it to sound like this. I respect these musicians so much because I can imagine the amount of practice that went on behind the scenes


This was my parent’s wedding song. I just get emotional while listening to it. They’re not dead or anything nor am I just depressed .. I wasn’t even born but it makes me think how much time has passed and how much longer it will be until they’re no longer with me. I dread the day where I can no longer look either of them in the eyes and say "I love you." They're my everything and I'd be lost without them. Thinking about the day that they'll leave this place tears me inside. It's a long time away, I'm only 14 but.. I never know if it'll come early. Cherish everything as if it'll be the last time you'll ever see it/them because you'll never know when cruel reality will tear them away from you.


I’m a 14 year old boy, and I go to a school that criticizes this type of music. I love it though, makes me sane and calm and reminds me of everything I have in my life. The school I’m at now, no one wants me there, so I listen to this and work hard to get to the school where the rest of my friends are.🤧🤧


Canon is such a masterpiece. Elegant, tranquil, and just perfect.


This music is really famous and it's being played in wedding and funeral halls so i think instead of calling it "canon in d pachelbel"
I'll call it "music of acceptance"

Accept yourself
Accept happiness
Accept sadness
It's all part of life and part of you 👑


This piece is immortal...hasn't lost its uniqueness since 1680 and will forever be a masterpiece...guaranteed mood changer.


I cannot believe that this masterpiece is more than 300 years old and the centuries go by and the skin bristles and I feel like crying but with joy that is beautiful to live. and the music that was really done will still be alive even if I'm not here anymore.


*This video deserves way more views! The musicians' skill and passion deserve to be recognized and celebrated.*


i don’t why but this really makes me emotional


*Some delivered this song with piano. Some did it with violin. You two did it with both violin and piano. Greatness is still alive.*


Two beautiful women playing wonderful music in the center of a nicely decorated room




Still one of my favorite version of canon, I still listen to this up to this day, truly beautiful.


This was the song I walked down the aisle to at my wedding. We had a strings duet play and the memories are so beautiful.


Humans need to appreciate the music, without music we are nothing, the music is the only thing that keeps the universe on it's perfect system, like when i think about the moon i imagine that it's only spinning around the earth because it can't stop listening to the music played on the earth, i think the universe will collapse on it self if we stop playing music ...


I was homeless, got into drugs, went into prisons, then i got to know Jesus, He changed my life.. Now i have a home, a wife, a lovely daughter and a new identity... A child of God.. Hallelujah
