Awful Thinking about all HVAC systems! The system running continuously may not be BAD! video

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System running a lot? You may not have a real issue. HVAC Systems are sized so they run efficiently and aren't constantly turning on and off with spikes in energy. So many homeowners grow concerned when their air conditioning runs more than they'd like.

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Thanks for sharing and clarifying my doubts about a/c system.


My system runs constantly, I was concerned that it would hurt the unit to run all day. It’s a 4-ton unit. I had to add a 12k BTU window unit to help it out. The house says around 70-71 inside and it been right around 100-102 outside. Without the window unit running it would get to about 77-78 inside.


Thanks for this vital piece of information.The temperature now in the south is 90's in the day and 80's at night, so I noticed that my AC is running longer than before to raise the temp a degree.


I allow the system to run hard in the am to cool all the surfaces early 😂I. The morning. The temperature is set to 80 degrees at noon. During the afternoon during peek heat hours, it barely kicks on. The house stays cool all day.


It depends what temperature you wanna achieve. If you like it in 60°F, you can size it more. 12, 000 BTU for me (oversized), but if I have it in 60°F and temperature is above 95°F, it will run continuously.


I live in an apartment and I noticed when I turn my AC off, the furnace still keeps going. It’s been 3 days now so I’m just gonna tell maintenance and keep harassing them until something is done


First size the right tonnage, insulate well - eliminate air leaks, heat loss in home. More energy efficient to upgrade to multi zone minisplits with variable spd inverter dc motors. Why cool rooms when no-one there?


When my father in law had this system installed he purposely went too large in order for the heat pump function to work better during winter (no furnace in the house, but needs one.)

So during the summer the AC obviously would short-cycle. This continued for 20-30 years until yesterday when coil burst.

Now that WE “get” to pay for the fix I’m going to have a smaller unit installed. All of which is to say: decisions have long term consequences! It ain’t like a car you can just trade in when you’re bored with it.


We live in Texas and right now it is extremely hot outside. 105 to 107 last several days. It is like 90 at 9 am. We set the a/c on 74 and the system has run all day never shut off. . From your video I take it that is a good thing, or should I be concerned.


Option 1: set your temperature to 76 and it never turns off or runs constantly with temperatures above 100. Might turn off 1 time in three hours or

Option 2: Set your thermostat to 78, the AC runs for 13 minutes then cycles off for 8 minutes and repeates this process.

Which is better on a 100+ degree day?


So like every video or article on this subject, there’s no info of facts. Just opinions. Hard data would be a nice change.


So in summary: if my blower in the central furnace unit (inside) runs for 12 hours on a very hot day 90+ degrees in and is keeping house within a couple of degrees of my target (73deg) the compressor/fan unit outside is NOT always on during this time the system is probably working correctly? (or in the efficient way it is designed to work)? Thanks for your reply.


I noticed that my unit during the summer months this year it would cycle till about 12 in the afternoon and then it would start running constantly and go up too 76 or 77 during the day but when it would be extremely hot it would go too 78 or 79 till about 7 or so and start dropping and catch up with where I have it set which is 74 or 75 by like 10 at night (the time where it starts going down and catches up is an estimated time I dont know exactly when it would but I just think it was like that but the temps that it would get inside the house is right)


When I was up against the “over sizers” giving bids one analogy I’d give is you don’t shut your car off and coast just because its down hill. Oversized equipment makes an environment cold with high relative humidity. Cold and clammy.

Return air is most important. Putting AC in an old Chicago house with the one big floor air return. No sir! Not going to just slap my new stuff in that 100 year old ductwork!

Heat is easy! Air Conditioning the environment is the removal of heat so good return air is key. But yes go bigger equipment and just dump that cold air. Bigger is better lol


It's been 103+ for almost 3 weeks straight here in central Texas. I leave the ac at 78°. It cools fine and does short cycle in the morning till about 12 pm (morning temps already in mid 80's). After that it continually runs till 10 pm. House gets up to 80-81 round 2pm, till about 6pm, then will eventually come back down to 78 at 10pm. Is this because of the extreme extended heat? I hope you're right about the electricity cost, will get my bill in a few days. We shall see. Thanks for info.


My Trane Central AC unit is 40 years old. When I turn it on, (summer months) I let it run. No cycling, Cycling kills compressors. I'll let it run until the house gets nice and cool usually in the late afternoon as the sun shines on the front of my brick rancher in the afternoon then I shut it down and even turn the main switch off so there is no power to the thermostat transformer either. I replace the Caps every few years just as a "PM" item as they are cheap, (a whole lot cheaper then just having a AC guy come out and not even do anything) Yesterday it was blowing out 54 degree cold air at the vent which are floor style. I switch all my ceiling fans to reverse or (pull up) mode and they circulate the air just right. My home was built in 1955 so the insulation isn't the greatest compared to todays standards. I keep it clean outside (condenser) and the filters changed inside and the evaporter inside as well. I'm happy with my old 40 year old R-22 system ! I cover just the top in the winter to allow air flow through the unit and to keep the snow and rain out etc.A few ounces of prevention is worth a TON of cool & educated everyone. Peace !


My indoor ac unit makes a small buzzing noise when off and ive noticed some purple stains on my ac filter. Ac cools but it will run for awhile turn off and then turn back on in about 5 mins.


My thermostat is set at 70 shows it 77 and never turns off. It's blowing cold air and the temp feels 70 inside not 77. Why is this?


Correction I meant lowering the temperature a degree.


I was able to check the temperature before the Evaporator and after with a digital thermometer and after a while at each side I got 71.1 before and 41.1 after evaporator. Thats a 30 degrees difference. Could this be right? Now when set thermostat to 74 it drops temp but doesn't turn off, at 75 it turns off and on turns like it should. What could it be problem?
