Data Structures Easy to Advanced Course - Full Tutorial from a Google Engineer

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Learn and master the most common data structures in this full course from Google engineer William Fiset. This course teaches data structures to beginners using high quality animations to represent the data structures visually.

You will learn how to code various data structures together with simple to follow step-by-step instructions. Every data structure presented will be accompanied by some working source code (in Java) to solidify your understanding.

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Abstract data types
⌨️ (0:04:28) Introduction to Big-O
⌨️ (0:17:00) Dynamic and Static Arrays
⌨️ (0:27:40) Dynamic Array Code
⌨️ (0:35:03) Linked Lists Introduction
⌨️ (0:49:16) Doubly Linked List Code
⌨️ (0:58:26) Stack Introduction
⌨️ (1:09:40) Stack Implementation
⌨️ (1:12:49) Stack Code
⌨️ (1:15:58) Queue Introduction
⌨️ (1:22:03) Queue Implementation
⌨️ (1:27:26) Queue Code
⌨️ (1:31:32) Priority Queue Introduction
⌨️ (1:44:16) Priority Queue Min Heaps and Max Heaps
⌨️ (1:49:55) Priority Queue Inserting Elements
⌨️ (1:59:27) Priority Queue Removing Elements
⌨️ (2:13:00) Priority Queue Code
⌨️ (2:28:26) Union Find Introduction
⌨️ (2:33:57) Union Find Kruskal's Algorithm
⌨️ (2:40:04) Union Find - Union and Find Operations
⌨️ (2:50:30) Union Find Path Compression
⌨️ (2:56:37) Union Find Code
⌨️ (3:03:54) Binary Search Tree Introduction
⌨️ (3:15:57) Binary Search Tree Insertion
⌨️ (3:21:20) Binary Search Tree Removal
⌨️ (3:34:47) Binary Search Tree Traversals
⌨️ (3:46:17) Binary Search Tree Code
⌨️ (3:59:26) Hash table hash function
⌨️ (4:16:25) Hash table separate chaining
⌨️ (4:24:10) Hash table separate chaining source code
⌨️ (4:35:44) Hash table open addressing
⌨️ (4:46:36) Hash table linear probing
⌨️ (5:00:21) Hash table quadratic probing
⌨️ (5:09:32) Hash table double hashing
⌨️ (5:23:56) Hash table open addressing removing
⌨️ (5:31:02) Hash table open addressing code
⌨️ (5:45:36) Fenwick Tree range queries
⌨️ (5:58:46) Fenwick Tree point updates
⌨️ (6:03:09) Fenwick Tree construction
⌨️ (6:09:21) Fenwick tree source code
⌨️ (6:14:47) Suffix Array introduction
⌨️ (6:17:54) Longest Common Prefix (LCP) array
⌨️ (6:21:07) Suffix array finding unique substrings
⌨️ (6:25:36) Longest common substring problem suffix array
⌨️ (6:37:04) Longest common substring problem suffix array part 2
⌨️ (6:43:41) Longest Repeated Substring suffix array
⌨️ (6:48:13) Balanced binary search tree rotations
⌨️ (6:56:43) AVL tree insertion
⌨️ (7:05:42) AVL tree removals
⌨️ (7:14:12) AVL tree source code
⌨️ (7:30:49) Indexed Priority Queue | Data Structure
⌨️ (7:55:10) Indexed Priority Queue | Data Structure | Source Code


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English is not my native language, so I appreciate that you speak slowly and clearly, I was able to see the whole video without subtitles and be more focused on the screen.


⌨️ (0:00:00) Abstract data types
⌨️ (0:04:28) Introduction to Big-O
⌨️ (0:17:00) Dynamic and Static Arrays
⌨️ (0:27:40) Dynamic Array Code
⌨️ (0:35:03) Linked Lists Introduction
⌨️ (0:49:16) Doubly Linked List Code
⌨️ (0:58:26) Stack Introduction
⌨️ (1:09:40) Stack Implementation
⌨️ (1:12:49) Stack Code
⌨️ (1:15:58) Queue Introduction
⌨️ (1:22:03) Queue Implementation
⌨️ (1:27:26) Queue Code
⌨️ (1:31:32) Priority Queue Introduction
⌨️ (1:44:16) Priority Queue Min Heaps and Max Heaps
⌨️ (1:49:55) Priority Queue Inserting Elements
⌨️ (1:59:27) Priority Queue Removing Elements
⌨️ (2:13:00) Priority Queue Code
⌨️ (2:28:26) Union Find Introduction
⌨️ (2:33:57) Union Find Kruskal's Algorithm
⌨️ (2:40:04) Union Find - Union and Find Operations
⌨️ (2:50:30) Union Find Path Compression
⌨️ (2:56:37) Union Find Code
⌨️ (3:03:54) Binary Search Tree Introduction
⌨️ (3:15:57) Binary Search Tree Insertion
⌨️ (3:21:20) Binary Search Tree Removal
⌨️ (3:34:47) Binary Search Tree Traversals
⌨️ (3:46:17) Binary Search Tree Code
⌨️ (3:59:26) Hash table hash function
⌨️ (4:16:25) Hash table separate chaining
⌨️ (4:24:10) Hash table separate chaining source code
⌨️ (4:35:44) Hash table open addressing
⌨️ (4:46:36) Hash table linear probing
⌨️ (5:00:21) Hash table quadratic probing
⌨️ (5:09:32) Hash table double hashing
⌨️ (5:23:56) Hash table open addressing removing
⌨️ (5:31:02) Hash table open addressing code
⌨️ (5:45:36) Fenwick Tree range queries
⌨️ (5:58:46) Fenwick Tree point updates
⌨️ (6:03:09) Fenwick Tree construction
⌨️ (6:09:21) Fenwick tree source code
⌨️ (6:14:47) Suffix Array introduction
⌨️ (6:17:54) Longest Common Prefix (LCP) array
⌨️ (6:21:07) Suffix array finding unique substrings
⌨️ (6:25:36) Longest common substring problem suffix array
⌨️ (6:37:04) Longest common substring problem suffix array part 2
⌨️ (6:43:41) Longest Repeated Substring suffix array
⌨️ (6:48:13) Balanced binary search tree rotations
⌨️ (6:56:43) AVL tree insertion
⌨️ (7:05:42) AVL tree removals
⌨️ (7:14:12) AVL tree source code
⌨️ (7:30:49) Indexed Priority Queue | Data Structure
⌨️ (7:55:10) Indexed Priority Queue | Data Structure | Source Code


What I appreciate more than anything is the dude using dark mode. Thanks, mate.


He worked so hard for us to learn, 8 hours!! Deserves and oscar


The fact your 8 hour video covers what I needed to know over 2 semesters is amazing! Thanks for the video man!


Really appreciate the black background. Its easy on the eyes.


I had to stop the video to write this comment.... the wealth of knowledge he is sharing is priceless. I have an interview coming up and this is exactly what I needed. thank you William Fiset and may you be rewarded for you efforts . I will definitely look for more of your content.


8hours is nothing to learn this kind of things. I love this channel. Thank you very much for all the videos.


Every Time I thought that I need to learn this thing. You immediately uploaded the video exactly regarding that. I love it a lot.


i feel so bad you guys give pure knowledge and no ad breaks.thankyou so


My data structures class is complete garbage, so I appreciate this video immensely


Day 1 college lecture was ADT and I wasn’t really understand the concept and you explained it in a couple of minutes. Thank you!


Thank you for these videos!! I haven’t taken a class in 2 year and I returned to school right into my Senior electives. This really helped remind me of all these methods!


Thank you so much, sir! You saved my life for my examinations in this subject. Teachers struggle to explain them without the jargon and proper diagrams. You are AWESOME!!


Great video. Thank you so much for all the work you put into this!


Love what you guys are doing with free quality no ad courses. Hats off to you


Quite useful. Great content delivered in the best way ever. much appreciated.


I got in love with this video. You break down everything to my understanding. Besides starting to program is not easy as I grown with a business career in mind. But I'm getting interested in this aspect of computer science. Thank you very much for this resource.


I really don't know how to thank you. This was an absolutely amazing video. It breaks difficult topics into simpler pieces, and all of this for free. I really appreciate this. Thank you. I really like this. I'm going to watch your series on Graph Theory next, I'm sure it will be as good - if not better - as this one. Again THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
