What Causes Dyslexia?

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Dyslexia affects millions of people every year, but how does having dyslexia change the way you learn?

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Readers with dyslexia have disrupted network connections in the brain, map the circuitry of dyslexia shows
“Dyslexia, the most commonly diagnosed learning disability in the United States, is a neurological reading disability that occurs when the regions of the brain that process written language don't function normally.”

Study shows stronger links between entrepreneurs and dyslexia
“It has long been known that dyslexics are drawn to running their own businesses, where they can get around their weaknesses in reading and writing and play to their strengths. But a new study of entrepreneurs in the United States suggests that dyslexia is much more common among small-business owners than even the experts had thought.”


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I have dyslexia and if I start to read something I loose my place really easy I keep ready the same line or skip lines


i have dyslexsia so i read very slow, but i love books. It's frustraiting


Why do they make dyslexia so damn difficult to spell. That's just being mean


My dad has dyslexia and he's now an accomplished doctor. It's amazing how things can be overcome!


I have dyslexia and I hate it so much I just want it to go away it's not just effecting my grades it's effecting my social life everybody makes fun of me about it.. I barely hang out with any friends


I love being Dyslexic, if anyone has a problem with that? Well... Guess what? I don't care! Being dyslexic has made me learn in a different way, and that has made me love computers! This also makes me a good leader, granted pronouncing new words is a bitch and even foreign words; but i'm still human, while being dyslexic has made it harder, it's also made me stronger... Look at it one way, I'm divergent and proud!


I am 82 years old and I have dyslexia. I struggled all the way through elementary and high school. I seldom read anything, but was a good listener. I graduated from college and taught school for over 20 years. I never heard of the word dyslexia until I had grandchildren. One of my grandchildren has dyslexia as does his mother (my daughter). I had great difficulty understanding the presenter as she spoke so quickly and, of course, the text at the bottom of the screen disappeared too quickly for me to read, but what I did grasp was quite interesting.


My brother is dyslexic he was able to go to a socialized school that really helped him learn how to read and write. He's now serving in the United State Army and doing very well. He never let this get in his way and his dreams. It pushed him more cause he felt that he needed to prove himself to other people and along the way he gained more confidence.


I have dyslexia and, the "b" and "d" are like the bevil


I have dyslexia, and I own my own business♡♡♡


I have Dyslexia, I am nearsighted, and when I was a child I also had a lazy eye. I have learned to live with it but every now and they cause problems.


I have Dyslexia and I speak 4 languages (almost 5) I am not even 18...


I was diagnosed with a learning disability when I was a kid. I was in Special-Ed until 5th grade and always had 1 period a day of SE after that. I have lots of telltale signs of dyslexia. It's been a struggle but now I'm a Radiation Protection Tech. Dyslexics can be successful.


I am dyslexic and also in the medical profession in my years growing up it was very difficult from kindergarten and through high school where I got bullied because dyslexia also effects the was I say certain words. I am greatful computers have spelling check of i will not be able post anything. All the things I got told I can't do I did because I had to work harder to get there. I am also part of a supportive employment program for adults with dyslexia and adhd here in Southern New Jersey.


I am dyslexic, but was never diagnosed with it as it is quite mild. I am 31 now and have many little mental aids and tools that I use to cope - some are just like what you use to learn the alphabet in first grade. These have become second nature to me and I hardly notice my condition except for sometimes having slight delays when spelling some words as I recall the tools I need for them.


I am dyslexic. I love watching videos about it amd learning more. I went through 6 years of speech therapy and still struggle daily with speaking. My parents always thought that i would for the most part refuse to speak in public or in front of people. In some parts, I do. In classes, i hate explaining things because no one understands how my brain works. But I always want to present projects first and I am on the Speech & Debate Team at my high school.


I have dyslexia and I always skip lines when reading and sometimes i get word jumbled up


I'm dyslexic and I'm in college for software engineering. I love math and see code in patterns. Visualizing patterns and using spatial reasoning helps me memorize formulas and problem solve algorithms.


I have dyslexia and I fucking hate having it. Everyone takes the piss out of me because I have to use a overlay and because I can't say certain words. I wish people knew what it is like.


I speak 3 languages, English Japanese Arabic, but I'm dyslexic in English ONLY, few years ago I found out the majority of dyslexic people are who speaks English, almost 99% of dyslexic are English speakers, I searched for the cause of this phenomenon I found out the English language is causing the confusion.
