MySQL Error 1227 “Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) M2 Urdu | Hindi

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Why is Error 1227 so commonly encountered when importing a view from a logical backup?

The reason MySQL throws error 1227 during a restore at a create view statement is because the definer of the view differs from the user restoring the database. Super privilege is required to create the view which was defined by a user other than the user importing the data. This is a security measure in case the definer of the view has privileges to access certain data that the user who is running the restore does not.

What can be done to resolve Error 1227?

There are a few workarounds to get all data and views imported. Understanding the risks involved with each is recommended prior to using these options.

1: Restore the database as a user with super privilege. Following the import, alter the views to set the definers back to their original users.

2: Restore the database as the definer user if possible. It is likely that there are many views with different definers having different permissions so this may not be feasible. Following the import, alter the views to set the definers back to their original users.

3: Edit the backup file by either removing the DEFINER= statement from the backup file, or replace the definer values with CURRENT_USER.

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