Does Kalam Equivocate with the Word 'Cause'?

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Some skeptics and atheists have tried to refute the Kalam Cosmological Argument with the following rebuttal: "The argument commits the fallacy of equivocation. In the first premise 'cause' means 'material cause,' while in the conclusion it does not."

William Lane Craig responds to this so-called refutation.
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Assuming that there ever was a nothing, this would be the only time that creation from nothing has ever happened. The equivocation is:
typical creation of things from their component parts IE creation as we understand and observe it VS a kind of creation that we have never seen before and that everything we know about reality tells us is impossible, a will acting on nothing to make everything. They are not the same.


Just because you suffer from ADD it doesn't mean that WLC is wrong. Why is it so hard to understand something so basic?
