A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Global Warming

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Steven F. Hayward, Pepperdine University
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Professor Steven Hayward!!! I took both of his Constitutional Law classes at CU!!! By far my favorite professor, favorite teacher period.


This is so refreshing to hear. I am sick of the Al Gore's and Gretta's in the world who tell us not to think because they have already done the thinking for us.


What I’ve found most interesting about global warming is, the more money thrown at it the hotter it gets.


I remember when my mom called me one day, laughing because a global warming conference was cancelled because of a snowstorm. She thought that was so funny.


In the 70's the climate alarmists said that NYC was going to be mowed down by a glacier. I bought a parka and boots. Still waiting.


This is excellent! AND it reminds me of a College dissertation. The average person will not listen to this. BUT, we do need more of this . Facts, Science, POLITICS!!


I’m loving this introduction! It’s June of 2022 and I laughed when I thought of the Climate Czar John Kerry as a Climatista and Climate change compared to Prohibition! Great analogy! Sadly right now these Climatistas have shut down all of the Energy independence America had accomplished! These are radical people!


I'm dumb as a bucket of rocks and I understood every word that guy said what a treat I can't believe YouTube actually got all the spelling and words right for a change


There are two famous Queensland climatologists, Indigo Jones who died in 1954, and Lennox Walker who died in 2000. They were able to make accurate long range forecasts by studying sun spots. They were more accurate than computer models.


I think I may be in love with this guy. He’s really witty, and the way he mocks the sudo-intellectual, “don’t contradict me I am a god, and will get you blackballed” liberal talking heads, is giving me The Feels! I’m self-educated about the subject, but have always believed that Earth has greater seasons, than the four yearly seasons we are familiar with/the Earth uses built in, environmental, self regulation mechanisms to self correct when things get too hot. Like say, how it spews volcanic ash into the air.... which starts a cycle. I’m not saying it won’t be a violent, somewhat destructive action, or that it will be pleasant, but I think we are being ego centric to say WE are causing it, and that WE will be the beings to fix it. Should we make efforts to care for our environment? YES, but are we the cause and solution for environmental variance? Unlikely.


I could listen to this gentleman each and every day.


There's an old saying regarding this topic.
The difference between "climate" and "weather" is this:
Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get.


The day I stopped hearing the term "global warming" and started hearing "climate change, " I started laughing and I haven't stopped since. The Klimate Karnival is high comedy, and Algore is the ringmaster.


His statements that global temperature rise has stopped is patently, demonstrably, irrefutably false. It is now 2018, global temperatures set a new record high every year, and continue a trend shown since 1870.


4:37 "even if catastrophic human caused climate change turned out to be true, environmentalists are the last people we would want to put in charge of dealing with the problem." This is absolutely true, solar panels and wind turbines cost massive amounts of fossil fuels to produce, the metals from them need to be mined and then extracted from the ore, all of which produces massive amounts of carbon dioxide and are terrible for the environment. Electric cars still produce more carbon dioxide than regular cars because their power is produced by fossil fuels and 50% of the electricity is lost in the transfer through the power lines. If you really want to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, build more nuclear power plants. That is something that environmentalists will fight against with insane fury, and that is why although I care about the environment, I cannot call myself an environmentalist.


"An SDS radical once wrote 'The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.'
In other words, the cause -- whether inner city youth or women, or literally any cause -- is never the REAL cause, but only an occasion to advance the real cause, which is the accumulation of POWER to make the Revolution."
-- David Horowitz


Weather is not climate.
There is extreme weather somewhere on Earth all the time.


To an Englishman; 12:50 "we're still confident that we want to keep playing with our knobs" has an entirely different, yet still very fitting meaning to that intended by Steven.


In 1989 I'd finished working on the UK doc. Can Polar Bears Tread Water? It was packed with many calamities predicted also for 20 years ago, none of which are even close to being true.
I was also told at the time by another client of mine (astronomer) that it was nonsense. I had worked with that client for many years and back then was more convinced of his arguments than the crazy (by which I mean mystical and superstitious) director I had been working with on the documentary. The doc, went on to win some notable awards. But of course it was still nonsense.
I regret my role in creating the "useful" graphics that helped propagate anti-industrialist propaganda. Over the years the majority of the docs I worked on to one extent or another had a "left-wing" bias, such is the state of the media industry. I focused on children's programming, but that to started to have an agenda. So in 2009 I quite the whole thing. I despise the narrative indicative in that industry.
I gradually questioned my own received wisdom of leftist politics because of the contradictions all around me, and towards the end as I affirmed and challenged the views of my peers, they became hostile. So in a sense I didn't quit entirely of my own volition. The values I was surrounded by just finally became intolerable.
On the subject of climate change I recommend looking into Alex Epstein - he's doing tremendous work. And look up Professor Christopher Essex to name but on other.
I still have the skills for narrative and composition, timing, editing, so perhaps YouTube or some other platform may provide a useful place to find material I can happily work on in the future.


Great lecture. As a farmer I like CO2. I also like cheap diesel fuel, and nitrogen fertilizer sourced from oil and gas wells. Over the long run through regenerative notill farming with use of cover crops I can get some what away from fertilizers but I won't be farming anything without diesel fuel. The world will starve out without diesel fuel. CO2 is vital for plant growth. I seen reports that at one point atmospheric CO2 was as high as 2500 ppm currently its at 400 ppm. At what point does the CO2 level drop to a point where it is noticeably detrimental to plant growth. After watching what has happened over the past two years I am more convinced that the ruling class is planning on pricing common people out of existence and the only carbon they want to get rid of is really you and me. None of the ruling class live under what they are trying to force on the rest of us. As my teacher said to me, "If you're not living it you're not believing it".
