TOP 10 TRAVEL DESTINATIONS! (after 8 Years of World Travel) Ep 290

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After traveling the world for the past 8 YEARS and visiting over 54 countries, we’ve put together a comprehensive TOP TEN list! What comes in at number one? Gotta watch to find out!

Join us on our ongoing journey by subscribing to our channel; we publish brand new adventures every Thursday!

Some products featured in this video may have been provided to us at a discounted rate or complimentary in exchange for conducting product reviews and/or showcasing them favorably on our YouTube channel for marketing purposes.

Links to some of our favorite events and places to go mentioned in the video:

Happy Sailing!
Renee & the Z-Crew

Music In This Video:

Ay Amor by Caro Luna
Desert Sunset by John Björk
A Promise by Rune Dale
Luau by Bonsaye
Leaving Serengeti by Ooyy
Chilling in the Sun by Mid Knight
Coconut Cove by Rymdklang Soundtracks
Min Wahi El-Lami by Ali Sabah
The Northern Saga by Epidemic Sound
Your Wave by Cospe

Provided by NCS NoCopyrightSounds: Lost (feat Savoi) by Kontinuum

00:00 Intro
00:43 #10 The Maldives
01:35 #9 Greece
02:12 #8 Iceland
03:18 #7 First Ocean Crossing
03:59 #6 Fiji
04:53 #5 Bahamas
05:31 #4 French Polynesia
06:42 #3 The Red Sea
07:37 #2 Southern Africa
08:53 #1 ???? Gotta watch to find out!
10:55 Outtakes

#worldtravel #travel2024 #trending
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It was extremely difficult to narrow down to just 10! I know you may have thought Tonga would be on there, as we've all mentioned it many times before, but there are just so many other places we've been that offered more of a full package for the entire family. I could've easily included Bonaire, New Zealand, Tonga, Tanzania, there's just SO MANY GREAT PLACES!! Thanks for watching guys! Have a great week!


I have been watching the entire 8 years and want to say thank you for bringing all of us along with you.


You were not only made to be a great mother but you were also created to MAKE THESE TRAVELING VIDEOS!!! Your amazing‼️‼️


Crikey! As you were counting down I was thinking where is western Australia? Then, lowanbehold... We would add Kimberly to the WA experience.. it was an honour and pleasure to cruise with you guys and so great the kids are still so connected. Maybe see yall again 'out on the' briny! Much love to yall.❤


Renée, what a splendid job you've done with this reflection of your travels. Yes, I know exactly how hard you have worked, searching through all your archived footage but the hardest part is doing the wonderful voice over to tie it all together. You've succeeded marvellously. It gives us all a chance to fall in love again with all the people and destinations. As a resident of Darwin Australia, I was pleased to see Western Australia rated so highly in your favourite places. Thank you.


As an Aussie, I cannot thank you enough that you chose Western Aust as your Number 1. We love our WA, and so pleased it was your favourite.


Wow was so shocked that you picked Western Australia as your number 1. As an Aussie I know we have some amazing places over here, but to have someone from another country that has travelled the world pick your country as the number 1 is humbling. It's awesome when others can see the beauty in our amazing country. Thanks for giving us your number 1 pick.


99% of us will never be able to do this and it is just so refreshing to see everyday Americans taking in this beauty. I got chills watching it. Our world is so amazing.


I’ve come to realize I probably will never be able to travel, or at least not to the extent I want. Being able to follow your adventures through the last 7 years (1 month of binge watching) has been incredible. I’ve seen and learned about so many places I never would have normally. Your family is truly an inspiration!


Renee, my wife and I spent 2 1/2 years travelling around Australia in a caravan and the WA beaches certainly captured our hearts, especially up around coral bay. We were in no rush so when we’d arrive somewhere like that for a few nights and it would turn into weeks, well that was really ok. Enjoyed the top 10 summary very much


As a an Aussie living in Perth I wholeheartedly agree with your No 1. WA is amazing!!


So glad South Africa is on your like list...Regards from Cape Town.


Renee, I hope you realize how talented and skilled you are. These episodes are so high quality. These unique graphics and gorgeous scenery are next level. I hope people understand the time commitment that this takes. It is more than a full time job.


Oh wow Renée, that was a great look back. Besides revisiting those fabulous locations, just seeing the kids again at various ages was a hoot. Thank you for this special project. 🥰


So very well done. Thank you for taking the time to put this together, and also the narration was done professionally. Thanks to you and your family.


Yay for WA!! I lived in Albany for 5 years and the beaches are amazing, and now just about to cruise up the Kimberly Coast!! We truly live in a remarkable country!


As a longtime viewer and a Western Australian I loved this!


Coming from the bottom of the heart of a proud Australian, thank you for putting us first, Renée 🤙🏼 I love your videos and look forward to seeing them drop. This was a great travelogue. I would happily go to all 10.


You and Keith are the best. Do not leave us, but thank you for all the time showing us the world with your eyes and in your way.


Yay to Western Australia being your number one, when I watched you going through there it so made me want to go . I’m from Melbourne Australia, so so happy that part of Australia made your number 1. Great video, so well put together could be used as a commercial honestly !! My number 1 will always be the Maldives, yes I’ve been, it was my first trip ever overseas, and along with the clear blue water it will always be my number 1 .
