Freelance Writing Client Thinks I Used AI | how to AI proof your writing as a freelance writer

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Freelance writers are being accused of using AI when they aren't! Oh my! What can a freelance writer do to make sure a client looks at their writing and says, "wonderful, here's $800?" Well I know! Here are the steps I use to ensure my client pieces are AI-proof using AI detection tools and some human writing tactics.

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Has this happened to you? I'd love to hear about it! Bonus: another way to make sure clients know you didn't use AI is to use Google Docs so they can watch your revisions.


Thanks for the heads up, Elna. If you use an AI outline, that could be the cause of the results saying you did and probably did. If you wrote a sentence or so like someone else, that could be another possibility. Seeing the results from several checkers, you may want to note with clients which are relying upon faulty checkers that, of plagiarism checkers are inaccurate and (your client) should examine (test) their checker against and checkers (the ones in this video).


Hi Elna. I'm interested in ways to get more expert opinions in my articles. If you're quoting from an expert's tweets and LinkedIn posts do you need to ask permission to use them? Do you interview people, and if so how do you go about it?
