Can They Help Us Save The FREE Abandoned Airplane !? Ep11

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Code: RESCUE67
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We're back working on the 401A this week with plans to get this bird setup to do a taxi. If we can get fresh tires on, pump up the struts with nitrogen, and make sure the brakes work we'll be all set to get this old airplane moving under its own power once again!
We also have some special guests flying in today with some amazing airplanes and an update for the future of the 401! Stick around to see what is going to happen with this project next!

Rebuild Rescue Videos:
FREE Abandoned Airplane... If I Can Start It! Ep1

Taking Our FREE Abandoned Airplane Home! Ep2

He's Trying To STEAL Our FREE Abandoned Airplane ! Ep3

Will Our FREE Abandoned Airplane Finally Start? Ep4

Is The FREE Abandoned Airplane Finally Ours ?! Ep5

Did We Ruin The FREE Abandoned Airplane Engine ? Ep6

Our FREE Abandoned Airplane Gets Its First Wash In 17 Years ! Ep7

Will Engine #2 Ever Run Again On Our FREE Abandoned Airplane !? Ep8

Grab yourself some Rebuild Rescue Merch!

Please support the 401 project with a donation to our gofundme. Anything you can offer is greatly appreciated!

CHECK OUT THIS LINK..... its free...

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#FreePlane #AbandonedPlane #RebuildRescue
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Wow! This just so amazing and generous of these guys to want to come up and help and give of their time and expertise.
Truly a selfless act, I tip my hat to them and also thank them for their unbelievable generosity.


YES HE FINALLY CLEANED THE HATCH DOOR!!! Probably not as good as the rest of the interior, but it will do for now. 😁


Binge watching episodes 1-10 in one day… Truly one of the best series of videos ive seen on a channel… Love what you’re doing here and seeing all the support by everyone has been nothing short of amazing.


THANK YOU....omg the stairs was all i thought of after the last vid. Love the work you and your helpers do. Great channel


Found your channel this morning off a YT suggestion. Saw EP1 of the 401 series and was instantly hooked. Ive literally sat here hours and hours just to see the progress.
Ive always had a fascination with planes. Both my parents were in the air force and I have fond memories of playing in the hanger as a child.
This rebuild series has been so awesome. I love the fact that a friendship with the owner was formed.
Well, back to watching, can't wait to see the end!


Yes! You finally scrubbed the platform!! That was driving me nuts! Thank you!
Cool planes!!
Wish I were there when they landed!!


The sheer amount of funk they’ve pulled or washed out of that aircraft should qualify it as a Superfund site on the National Priorities List.


Of all the things I miss from no longer having my 1956, G35 Bonanza (N5635G) were the AngelFlights I flew out of Mobile AL (KMOB). In my 20 years of aviation we used our Skyhawk and Bonanza mostly for travel - a flying car, if you will, but the medical flights to LA, TX, AL & FL were my most enjoyable. Giving back is truly important and an integral part of many of us pilots.


It's weird I watch a lot of these types of videos, restorations and repairs. But what I noticed that is different from other channels is that the community is mega involved with not only the 401 but Rebuild Rescue altogether. Jason your enthusiasm is infectious, and what makes that such an awesome thing is that when you have guests and fans of the 401 project come on. You can see their own enthusiasm start to build into something bigger than what you first see when they first show up. Personally, I think if you had all the parts, the fans who come to visit had the time. We would see all of you crawling all around the plane like a bunch of gremlins. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking this project on. It's been a joy and pima to watch and wait for the videos to pop up on YT 😂😂. Keep up the great job you have been doing, and can't wait to see the ol girl take flight once again.


Before you consider removing the wings for the wing spar strap mod, you might look at some of the larger major sheet metal mod companies that will come to your site, and effect the repairs in your own hanger. I know of several major rebuilds where, mobile teams were used. The tools, parts, and equipment are not hard to transport, as they are, for the most part, small hand tools. I don't think the wings need to come off. A bit of research in your area, could well find something close. Good luck


I missed a couple of episodes, sorry about the leg. So good to see so many people lend their skills in helping with this amazing project 💕💕


Using the wheel chair foot rest for the nitrogen bottle shows just how DEDICATED this man is. Can we give him an award or something


Bought some RR 401 forever hoodies for my kids - they love them and I have to say they are the highest quality hoodie I have ever seen! I highly recommend them and supporting this project!


Is that Jimmy Flying over?! If you're looking for a warbird, I know where you can get a MiG 15 or a T6 Texan ;)


This is an amazing watch. I’ve binge watched the past 10 episodes in two days. I’m a student pilot who almost has my commercial and multi engine rating. I know you’d prefer people with more experience but I’d be perfectly happy to sit right seat in this beauty and do some comms once she’s ready! If not, I would still be extremely happy to watch her fly from the ground! Awesome videos, man!


When you jack up the aircraft, it makes no difference, if there is pressure in the oleo struts. The weight of the wheel assemblies, will fully extend them. The jacking height will be the same.


I am not usually one to fully watch a restoration video with very few cuts like these videos have but I pretty much haven't skipped from videos 1-10 all day today. I love this series, and I'm glad there are so many episodes.


Rebuild rescue is pretty much my weekly therapy session! I love kickin back on a weekend, grabbing a snack and binging the newest episode!


Those guys are genuine about restoring planes


About 11 or 12 years ago I was standing in the parking lot of my local megamart and I heard this droning sound coming from all around that sounded like, of all things, a WWII bomber. A sound I was only familiar with from movies and documentaries. Of course, I didnt for a second believe that was what it was. Who would? When all of a sudden a B-17 came over the hill to the east of where I was standing, did a slow bank to the south and flew away. Well, it turns out that it was the Yankee Lady out of the Yankee Air Museum here in Michigan. They were in town selling flights to support the museum. It was quite the sight.
