etrailer | SMI Stay-IN-Play DUO Braking System Installation - 2019 Jeep Wrangler

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What it's going to do, it's going to allow the vehicle to not only slow but stop itself. So we're not relying on the brakes on the RV to slow and stop both vehicles. Save you a lot of money in the long run because we're not going to have to replace the brakes on the motor home.There's a lot of different styles of braking systems. The Demco, the Stay-IN-Play DUO is going to be designed for motor homes with electric or hydraulic brakes. If you have motor home that has air brakes, I recommend Demco's Air Force One.

What that means is when you apply the brakes in the RV, it's going to match that pressure in the Jeep. For instance, if we're in an emergency situation, we had to slam on the brakes in the RV. It's going to match that pressure so that the vehicle or so that your Jeep can slow and stop itself. Again, we're not relying on the RV to do both.It's going to have a safety switch here. This is called a breakaway switch and what this is for if, for some reason, the tow bar or something breaks, and it comes disconnected from the motor home.

It's going to pull this pin and it applies the brakes in the Jeep to bring it to a stop so it's not bouncing around down the highway, potentially causing an accident. As far as the installation process, it's really not that difficult. It may seem difficult, it may seem intimidating because there's a lot of wires run, but it's really not. If you follow me through the video, I'll walk you through how to get it installed.Before you start your installation. It's important to install your diode wiring kit first because when you install your braking system, some of the wires have to be tied into that wiring and you need to know where you need to route everything. How I ran my dial kit is through the driver's side frame rail. There's a hole in your frame rail on the inside, right about this door edge. What I did is when I ran through, I took a little bit and I fed it out and I zip-tied a little bundled together so that when I ran my wires from my braking system, I could easily tie into them and then shove everything back into the frame rail.After that, next thing you need to do is you need to find a place to mount your operating unit. On this vehicle, on the two-door Wrangler, there's not a whole lot of places to mount it. You can't mount it underneath the hood like we used to be able to do because there's not a whole lot of room. Sometimes I mounted them up underneath the front bumper. However, there's not a whole lot of room there either. I've also mounted them here under this seat. You can see how I have it mounted. Couple of self-tapping screws. And I just mounted it right to the floor. You want to make sure before you remove your seat, you set this in place and slide your seat back and forth to make sure nothing's going to make contact. To remove your seat, you're going to take a T50 star bit and they're going to have four bolts like this, two on the backside, two on the front. Take those out and you want to make sure you reach under and you unplug your wiring that's connected to it.Once you get that done, you can lift your seat out and set it aside, gives you a lot more working area. Then you need to mount your G-Force controller. If you have an automatic, this can be mounted on your driver's side kick panel. This is actually a manual and this interferes with the clutch pedal so we had to mount it on the passenger side. You mount it on the passenger side. There's not any room up here to mount it so I mount it right on this panel. You want to make sure the switch to turn it off and on is facing back. The wires are facing the direction of travel. You want to make sure that this is level, it's not leaning, or it's not twisted.Once you get that mounted,
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