MLM TOP FAILS #50 | Still pitching your MLM when your teenaged son is missing?? #ANTIMLM

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#hannahalonzo #antimlm #mlmtopfails

I am creating these videos for entertainment and educational purposes. Please do not contact these people on their social media platforms or send them hateful comments/messages, facial blurring is being used to protect identity. Their videos are being used only as an example of the manipulative and predatory nature of multi-level marketing companies and the claims their representatives make. I do not condone online bullying or harassment.

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0:00 Intro
1:37 Clip 1
19:23 Clip 2
24:31 Clip 3
29:17 Clip 4
34:41 Clip 5
37:53 Clip 6
43:29 Clip 7
46:37 Clip 8


Hannah Thaler
PO Box 561014
Rockledge, FL 32956



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“What’s the business?”
“Long story short, so when I was 22 years old…” genuinely made me laugh, girl that’s already too long!! It’s a one sentence answer!


adding "Clinical" in the name of a shampoo sounds like a quick way to get a FDA warning letter


Can you imagine the plumbing issues at the local hotels after all the hair loss at a monat convention?


It never fails to cracks me up how they wear their company’s merch. I would NEVER just walk around with my work’s name on my clothes unless I was at a work event lol


I've unknowingly tried the Plexus self breast check thing at a Breast Cancer Awareness event and they "demonstrated" it by placing a grain of rice in a kitchen sponge and telling people to "find the "lump" with your can't can you? Here now try our product. If you're a woman you need this product to keep yourself healthy." My friend and I, being the sassy little craps we were found the grain of rice with our hands immediately then told the rep "We don't need a pink plastic bag filled with water to find a grain of rice in a kitchen sponge because we have functioning nerve endings in our hands." The rep was less than amused.


Ex Monat rep here: something else about the “new” IR line… is that it’s exactly the same shampoo/conditioner they ALREADY had, with new packaging 🥴 the only new thing is that serum


Having to pay to attend a work trip is a HUGE RED FLAG!!!!


I worked for Bobbi Brown, Charlotte Tilburry, YSL as a makeup artist on a counter at department stores.. whenever a new product launched we got it for free as “Gratis” we never had to buy products. Every 3 months we’d be able to choose from 300-500$ worth of products (depending on the brand we worked for) unlike these monat Huns or any other mlm hun for that fact


“TSA agents aren’t gonna care if you’re trying to carry through your magical pyramid scheme water ok”
LMAO I laughed so hard at this 🤣😂🤣😂


A 50 minute video for the 50th episode? Love it.


How disgusting that the Mom with a missing son used him to sell her scam. I am happy to parent shame anybody who has done that. I wonder if he was running away from her. I hope he is safe and finds the support he needs. Hannah awesome video as always! ❤


The mom using her MISSING SON to market her MLM has left me without words….


The "best" cancer screening thing is super sad to me because I can see a survivor like my grandmother buying that for everyone they know. My grandma has expressed to me her anxiety around other women in our family developing breast cancer on numerous occasions. It makes me sad to think that she would be at increased risk of falling prey to this despite being retired and on a limited income.

Edit was for punctuation.


I can’t with that mom and her missing son. My youngest son ran off when he was a teen and I was SICK until he was found and brought home 18 hours later. I’m just disgusted that these companies and a lot of the top leaders and huns spew such greed and “get rich quick” diatribe that it seeps into vulnerable people, manipulating them and basically brainwashing them to the point they think they *must* put the product and company above all/exploit it. Ugh. That one had me yelling at my phone screen. Just. No, lady. 😢


I was raised in a religious doomsday cult and we had STRIKINGLY similar events to the “conventions” every year. What you said about the true purpose of them is spot on. I think my interest in MLMs comes from that experience because they literally use the exact same tactics.


Imagine the missing son looks at his mum's social media while away and sees That... it may prompt him to stay away from her.


I love that they always wear hats because their hair is perpetually going through "healing symptoms" aka falling out


It's very strange how they always start off saying how "me and my husband were fighting about money" and then say "I just wanted to make $150/mo!"

You and your husband were on the brink of divorce over $150?! 🤨


Omg. I love the person who figured out the numbers for young living. It makes my data driven heart swell so so big.


This is unrelated but I'll toss it in here anyways, if you plan on donating to a breast cancer charity, i might suggest something other than Susan G. Komen. They are way more "for profit" than they make themselves out to be. My ex used to work for them as a statistician. Apparently less than a penny of every donation goes to the actual cause. The rest of the money gets funneled to the top and used in lawsuits against other charities that use trademarks that are too similar sounding to theirs... which is unnecessarily petty imo considering the cause
