Radiant Energy and Dielectric Fields

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I like to provide an overview of what a dielectric field is and the importance for nature. I therefore will demonstrate the behaviour of a Radiant energy collection device. The device is receiving dielectric energy which is converted into electromagnetic energy to power the LED. The conditions to make it work is described in Tesla's patent of Radiant energy devices.
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The electromagnetic field is made up of two componenents; the magnetic field, and the dielectric field. Without these two together, there is no electrisity. The electromagnetic field, is by definition the sum of the magnetic field and the dielectric field.A coax cable does not supress the magnetic field, it has properties that confines the magnetic field inside the insulation. This is necessary for the two fields to propagate at the same speed, to avoid distortion of the signal, as proved by the inventor of the coax, oliver heaviside.


so when tesla was holding a lit light bulb in his hand was he showing this effect ? also would you see if it powers more near a running water tap and then place one hand in the running water and the other on the aerial


Nikola Tesla asserted (Proved) that radiant energy was lossless and superluminal (wirelessly superconducting). In Colorado Springs he documented that he picked up a stronger signal from lightning strikes at periodic positions miles further distant than the source storms. This may be a strong indication that radiant energy has magnetic as well as dielectric properties. He did describe how the placement of his magnetic quenching device across the spark gap (from near the source or near the receiving contact) altered the effects (sometimes reversing a charge effect to a discharge effect) of the radiant energy he transmitted. Keep in mind that Radiant Energy is a wave propagation of the neutral super-fine Ether particles that lack the classic charge characteristic that responds to magnetic fields, but still transfer magnetic power and response according to Nikola Tesla.


I have just received the first accusation that I am deceiving viewers. I am only interested to demonstrate here the propagation of a dielectric field. In this example, I have used a Tesla Coil in the background in case you did not understand the phenomenon. The subject is the dielectric field. To receive it and convert it into a DC powered load is very difficult. The short wire can, from a Transverse radiation point, only receives energy in the VHF/UHF range. No coil is present to convert it and no bridge rectifier to create DC. I, myself tried to build a second receiver and failed so far. Only dielectric field energy can be harvested here. They are very easy shielded by any dielectric as demonstrated with my hand. A Tesla coil under the table does not work only next to the load, 50 cm and away from the wall.


Can u show us the schematics on this. It would be a good simple project to study radiant energy and expand on it.


interesting. would like to see the schematic of that setup.


How can I build an antenna to receive dielectric energy, could you mention the principle of such a device? I would like to ask you, is this energy the same as the radiant energy of Nikola Tesla? Many years ago I read something about the longitudinal waves of Nikola Tesla, but the theory was missing, Borderland Sciences published some documents about Tesla's work, there was also a video about it.
Nikola Tesla's radiant energy device (Patent Number 658.957 and 658.958) is interpreted as a simple solar cell, based on accumulating the charges of the atmosphere/cosmic rays on the surface of a metallic sheet, which were then transformed into electricity by using a spark gap and transformer circuit, after the potential reaches a certain
Thank you very much for your lecture, I would like to stay in contact with you 🙏👌


Where does the direct current for the leds come from if capacitive effect block dc current?


Do we can see pats is it only 2 led and capacitor and peace of wire or somthing more ???


+TheOldScientist Appreciate your efforts and the thought provoking information you share. Isn't this energy harvesting explained by the capacitive coupling that your body provides to the high frequency energy source?


How do they find earths resonant frequency???


Thank you for sharing i wanted to learn about this👍😁


According to Steinmetz there is magnetic field and dielectric field. Okay, electricity is the composition of the magnetic and dielectric fields. What about a Tesla coil, is the magnetic field component which is built on the secondary coil, separated from the capacitive dielectric field component, which is built on the aerial (ball shaped) capacitor, correct?
Does a Tesla coil propagate longitudinal dielectric waves into space, can we verify this with an experiment and what about the field theory, can you mathematically prove us the existence of these dielectric waves ?


this was the key to the Biefeild Brown effect. most people think its ions but Brown wasnt using ion craft, he was using high k dielectric materials. these materials absorb charge and hold it which affects the quantum gravity of the dielectric material causing it to lift againt the earths gravity.


Care este sursa de energie radianta pe care o folosesti? As fi vrut sa te interb daca mai ai bobinele plane de transmitere de energie fără cabluri? Și ce fel de energie ai folosit pentru a le alimenta.


The sun indeed emits a dielectric field, as electrons boil off more easily than protons. Thus the hot sun has a net positive charge and the oort cloud has a net negative charge. This may explain the anomalous heating of the corona, among many other effects. On earth the solar wind boils electrons out of the thermosphere, but also the atmosphere acts as the dielectric of a capacitor, and the passing solar wind sets up resonances like a person blowing on a flute. These resonances maintain a net positive charge at earth's surface, relative to the ionosphere or thermosphere. The fluxliner likely used the principles behind Naudin's electron pump to use an AC field to throw off electrons into the leaky capacitor that is the air and ground at a distance. The positive charge on the craft then permitted it to float by balancing the earth's gravity against its electric field.

The Thunderbolts Project on Youtube has done some interesting research on these topics and how they relate to astronomy, though I remain skeptical of many of their claims. I think their electric comet model, their idea of Birkeland currents as a possible explanation of "dark matter" and z-pinch effects during star formation, and their plasma double layer experiments (langmuir/LMD waves), show real promise. They go overboard though with their attempts to tie things to ancient civilizations and explain relatively mundane weathering events in terms of electrostatic discharges. Except possibly on Mars where dust storms probably do have a non-negligible electrostatic component due to their thin atmosphere.


Just an fyi for the party. I was able to get back to my simulation that worked similar with a twist. I wanted to get back to using touch to ground the circuit. In my case, I could not tune it to the radio freq using single wire antenna. So instead, just using single wire from the tesla secondary coil. This lights the leds when touching the ground lead. Also, I was able to get enough ground potential by jumping to an open bus bar on the breadboard, so it stays light without touching it. In this config, you don't need the Cap either. Now if I can just get ride of the direct wire and trade that for a Radiant wire, I will be happy. Also, I am actually not certain what your seeing is reversed of what you think. The dielectric pos charge might be radiating off your body from the coil and the single wire antenna might be enough of a ground potential for the system. The dielectric stuff gets really strange, almost like pos and neg goes out the window in terms of our normal circuits.


Nice vid simple and simple to understand...vibrations and resonance. Tesla indicated an 'insulated' plate as to not dampen the minute induced vibrations of the vibratory sensing plate. The plate does not sense 'waves' rather vibrations which travel through insulators.


The person is the inductor in the CLR ciruit.
When sunlight hits our atmosphere, a hysteresis is created. This is radiant energy.


İt s a real.where is the scheme .pls send to scheme
