Yolov7 Custom Object Detection in Python Tutorial - Chess Piece Detection

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In this video we use python and object detection packages yolov7 and yolov5 to do custom object detection for chess board pieces. We walk through: How to create a custom object detection dataset, how to train the model, metrics you need to know for object detection, and show how to run predictions on a webcam.


00:00 What is YOLO
01:25 Setup
02:54 YoloV5 vs YoloV7 Detection
6:22 Training on Custom Dataset
11:48 Object Detection Metrics
15:50 Detecting using Custom Model

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#yolov5 #yolov7 #python #machinelearning
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That was an amazing video! Keep going, Rob!


Great video! Thanks I was able to follow along and get the chess board detection working.


Thanks for showing this, It was very informative and caught my attention as well. 😅


nice video! i'm really enjoying these computer vision videos...since i'm not familiar with this field.
two quick questions i'm hoping you can address in future videos

1. skills/tools needed to be successful in data science (i.e. calculus, probability, pandas, etc.) in a tier list
2. the best ways to communicate the results of your findings and how to structure the content (slides, blog post, etc.)


after you can do detection object, is it also can sent notification from email? if there is part of chess is missing?


Getting the data is quite simple. Generate a 3d scene, render a camera from different angles, do a world to screen matrix calculation for each piece, creating bounding boxes from the cameras perspective; randomize, save, and repeat. I have around 3000 label images of chess positions from all kinds of different angles and with different lighting. It works nearly flawlessly.


Hello I found the video really helpful, but i would like to ask how I can do transfer learning or the command used to do so on yolov7, im new to this stuff and I need help adding more dataset to my pre-trained custom weight, I would highly appreciate your assistance thanks!


how if i want to change thickness bonding box and size of font when predict object


Hi how can we merge the custom model with yolo5 and use as a part of it?


Hey Rob, I love your videos and the overall content that you share. I am a new subscriber and have one question for you. I see that you use a Mac device for your videos? Especially for this video where you are running Yolov7 which runs faster on a GPU why did you decide to use a Mac device over a windows device that has a dedicated GPU?


thanks for the info...I have a small query..how can I get the predicted labels and bounding box information in yolov7 after detection of objects in image


Hi Rob! Amazing stuff. Could you please tell me about a video or source using python that allows body or object detection and returns an alert? Like detect a person who was walking and fell down on the ground. Thank you!


what an amazing video, I found this content by chance (I'm not in programming), but I'm trying to marathon and learn about it. Because I work with audiovisual, and I think about how to use this to make a realtime tracking. Like we see in soccer games, racing games, etc, where signs and icons appear following the objects and people. On TV this is all done with several expensive sensors that capture the position of each item, but if somehow I could get those position coordinates of the objects detected with YOLO, it would already be possible to get an extremely close result but in an absurdly cheaper and homemade way. Including, many editing and compositing programs have fields for python programming, allowing the creation of extensions and plug-ins. I am sure this would be absurd inside any of these programs, if you want to talk to me so we can think of practical applications, I am sure it could bring a good financial return.


Does everything have to be run with Cuda or is there any other way to do things via the Apple silicon? My new MBP has a 32 core neural engine I believe (don’t quote me on the number). Is it possible to run a model like Yolov7 using the Mac GPU’s?


Hi, first of all thank you for this video, was really helpful.
And is it possible to save the data received from the detection as csv file or txt file. I tried the --save-text command but it doesn't specify the type of object detected like "person" or "car" etc. Is there a way to get this info too in the txt file?


Very nice. I want to know your working window is jeston nano or laptop window . On which jetson nano / laptop you r working


how can i stop the training like you said if theres not much improvement, i know ctrl+c stops it but does it save the trained model ?


amazing, can u train the yolo with the first layers frozen and the latest unfrozen to be more faster for training.


In python detect.py section, I don't have best.pt under weight folder. python detect.py --source data/images/myimage.jpg(it doesn't make customized predictions when I run this command) Do we need to make changes to detect.py file? I couldn't execute the last part. It didn't occur train_batch0.jpg files.


Is it possible to detect chart patterns of a stock price using Yolo?