Strict rules in Chinese schools

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Actually, I woke up at 6:00 cuz the class begins at 7:00 and after class at 4:30 we also have self study time(compulsory) until 21:15, after that, we went to the dorm cuz the high school I stayed is the boarding school. That’s the normal life for a high school students in Shanghai, for students outside Shanghai, they might get up earlier. We basically lack pf sleep everyday. Graduation and going to the University is such a relief cuz I don’t have any burden like that anymore😢


Our senior high has more than fourteen hours studying time( except eating or noonsleep ). We come to school at 6:40 but we back home at 11:30, we only have one day off per a week.😢


Thats correct but we only raise our flag on mondays we do morning marches and exercises on the other days


As a Chinese person, ur wrong. Elementary schoolers go home at 5pm and middle school and high school goes home at 9PM but all the others r correct


I work in an elementary school in the United States. It goes from 8:00 to 2:00 we finish at 1:30 walk the kids to the bus.


Why is it called "homework" when they have to remain at school to finish homework.


I wake up at 5:50 am
I go for the bus at 6:50 am
I reach at 7:12 am
Class starts from 7:30 or 7:40 so that students can reach
We do our prayers in 5 mins
Sometimes we have assemblies
We have 8 classes each of 40 mins and a short break of 10 mins and a long break of 30 mins
A few weeks before sports day, we have 2 zero periods of i guess, 1 hour
During the annuals and half yearlies we have 3 hour exam and then we leave for home
During the pre mids and the post mids, we have zero periods and the exam duration is 1 hour and 30 mins and normal classes with less duration
So we have four exams
Our classes end at 1:50 pm and we gotta leave
The time is same for premids, post mids and sport day practices with classes and ofc normal days except for annuals, half yearlies
But for 3 weeks we have skill module classes on Saturday
Only 3 Saturdays and like this week you have it and next week you don't and then the next week you have it
You can choose coding, satellites, graphic novel, design thinking, food and mass media
These days you get early dispersal
And so on
You have a lot of activities
*And this is DPS CBSE Kolkata*
(I'm class 7)😊😊😊
Felt like typing


Um I wake up at 7:45 so what the heck and I start school in 9:00 if you ask me in the grade I am I’m in 2 grade


Well, the classes end, and we are gonna have exams😅😅everyday


So I have to do homework in and outside of school
