Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Is GLORIOUS YOU GUYS | First Impressions

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Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door for the Nintendo Switch EXISTS and I have PLAYED IT and HERE ARE MY THOUGHTS AAAAHHHH

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This video was edited by the wondrous Kane!

Additional footage by @YTSunnys and @BeardBear

"Reloaded Installer #11" by LHS.
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Something I really appreciated was that you can bonk every NPC in the game on the head with the hammer which I don’t remember being in the original game. That, and the fact that you have multiple directions you can swing your hammer now instead of just 2 is not to be slept on.


The partner wheel really saves time if youre trying to get to a partner for a puzzle, swap to another for combat, then back to another puzzle. Feels much smoother than opening and closing the menu constantly


One thing I never noticed until now, is that, since they've added back sprites, I've noticed Ms. Mowz Naruto runs with her arms behind her back.


I have a copy of this to my sister as an early birthday gift and she was overjoyed, giving me multiple hugs and saying I’m the greatest brother ever! This game really is a definitive part of our childhoods.


I believe Yahtzees old praise holds true: changing the formula from grassland, forest, fire world, ice world to grassland, forest, WWE, Agatha Cristy novel was the right decision.


IMO the best thing about the remake is not the HD, it's the added poses for all the characters. They're so expressive now.


i was really taken off guard with the amount of love and care that went into this game. from the lighting, the animations, the soundtrack, the quality of life. i dont believe ive played a remake of a game in recent years that felt so damn perfect.


Goombella's celebratory jumping when something good happens is just the most adorable thing


I have to remember to look at the characters to see them emote instead of focusing on reading the text. This wasn’t an issue on the GCN, since no one ever emoted besides Mario, but it is a problem I welcome to have!


I want to make a note that wasn't mentioned here and that's a subtle but wonderful difference I noticed. I entered Hooktail Castle and entered my first battle only to realise the combat music had changed. It's still the same at its core, but it had changed pitch and key as if it were an entirely new track. I was in awe. I'm so hyped for the rest of the game!


The game encompasses the very spirit of Arlo. Arlo's very first video that put this channel on the YouTube map was about Paper Mario, and now we are literally listening to Arlo gushing over TTYD on a modern gaming engine! We are living in a brand new era, and we'll be following you every step of the way, Arlo!!!🥳🎉


I'm just hoping Nintendo acknowledges Toadsworth more... I miss the ol' chap.


I'm loving it too, but there is one nitpick I have that I'm surprised you didn't mention, and it's that unlike the original, you can't skip through dialog that you haven't seen before in each save file. This means whenever you're forced into a tutorial for something you're fully familiar with, you can't just mash B and get to the end, you have to deal with the entire conversation. It's not game breaking, but it is mildly annoying.


There’s also a 1 coin badge in the badge shop to play the original background music, so good 😊


“Is this remake the pinnacle of Mario’s roleplaying experiences? Or is it a Thousand Year Snore? Letstalkaboutit WOOOSH!”


Arlo's been waiting so long for this, many of us have. One could say we partially have him to thank for this. And I'm so happy the wait was worth it. And I'm glad I can finally play it.


I used to play Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door a ton throughout the years, even recently, so I can confirm a few things with the items and badges in the original;
1. Enemies actually hold items fairly commonly in the original. Sometimes you won't see it much, but other times it actually happens quite a bit in the original too.
2. The stuff with enemies getting the effects of badges and holding them in battle was in the original too. Badges were a lot rarer to see them hold, especially with certain badges, but I probably see a dozen or so different enemies in every playthrough I do that end up holding some kind of badge, even when just regularly playing the game.

Sadly I can't afford to get the remake yet, but it really does look absolutely amazing! I still can't believe we finally have a remake of Thousand Year Door after all of these years, and I can't believe its just as amazing as ever, possibly even better!

Thanks for taking a bit of your time to read this, I hope everyone here has a great day!


As someone that’s on Chapter 7 and has played through the original numerous times:
-Some of the QoL added has been very nice, even if not all are ultra useful to me in particular
-30 fps IS noticeable and has specifically increased guard/super guard timings
-Not being able to mash through text and the text speed being generally slow has made a lot of the intermission/lore sections feel VERY sluggish. No joke you will be pressing a or b for over 5 minutes simply because each text box has to fully complete before the next can slowly start up. It’s going to add like an hour to the glitchless speedruns
-The 15 item inventory QoL loses a lot of value when you realize the strange sack on floor 50 of the pit now only gives 5 more inventory slots to match the total 20 you’d have after getting it in the original. Kinda lowers the excitement when you only increase your inventory by 33% instead of 100%
-As a long time player it’s a bit sad that every star piece/shine Sprite/item /badge is in the exact same spot. There’s not really any new discovery aspect for us other than some minor things
-Some very fun/neat animations, my personal new favorite being when using Flurrie’s gale on the Punis midfight with the Jabbis. Def use her in there to see what I mean
-The First Attack badge being swapped from a 1bp to a 0bp cost, essentially turning it from a choice to use it to a QoL, is very welcome
-Yoshi having an acceleration buildup at the start when riding him…why?
-Goombella now having a button to press to have her tip you off to what you’re supposed to be doing next in the story is very cool for newer players. I can definitely see that being helpful in some of the more convoluted sections like the train cabins

Probably more but can’t think off the top of my head. All in all glad to play it and I’m enjoying it but there are definitely some things (mostly the text speed) I’d like to see get patched to help turn this into the remaster we deserve


This game makes me feel so strange because... It's new but I've played it and I feel like I know the ins and outs of it already even though I played the original more than 15 years ago. I was immediately doing flips with the hammers and super guards on the first enemies like I was picking up riding a bike again.

I really like this game a lot but I really hope this leads to a sequel in its style that is truly new because this is great and I want more.


I’m only a few chapters in and boy was it worth the wait. I truly see why this game is so beloved. The dialogue is so witty, tons of charm, fun as hell battle system. Everything has been a complete joy so far.
