Roger Hallam on Crisis, Disruption and Democracy | Extinction Rebellion Netherlands | 8 July 2023

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In this talk to Extinction Rebellion Netherlands audience Extinction Rebellion co-founder Roger Hallam explains why it is a moral imperative to go into non-violent civil resistance and save our democracies from collapse. Roger Hallam calls on everybody to join Extinction Rebellion Netherlands from 9 September 2023 on the A12 in The Hague where XR will demand an immediate end to fossil fuel subsidies in the Netherlands, currently about thirty billion euro’s yearly.

"We have to act quickly. What we do I believe in the next 3-4 years will determine the future of humanity" Sir David King, Former Chief Scientific Advisor to the UK Government (2022)

The UK community of concerned climate conscious citizens who 'Rebel for Life'!.

Connected around the globe to other activists and supporters by our similarities and our compassion for all life on earth.

Using non-violent direct action (NVDA) to highlight the need to upgrade democracy and create a future decided by us, not to us.

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1. Tell The Truth
2. Act Now
3. Decide Together

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How can any right-thinking person disagree with what you say? Having the courage to carry out such action is the issue for me tbh. You are a great example having been imprisoned doing what you believe we must all do if we are to avert global catastrophe. Thank you for being true to your principles.


Thankyou for your inspiration. I am currently rescuing coho baby salmon from from a pool that is drying up..I demanded that the government DFO supply traps which I have been able to save over 121 baby salmon into the Pacific Ocean. Vancouver Island, BC, canada


Great talk Roger. We appreciate all that you do.


I came to your original talk in Amsterdam several years back & it spurred me into action.
Taking a big break from climate issues (XR) for the last year, it's terrifying that there are attempts now to silence you.
You & others like yourself make the government very anxious!
Looking forward to your take on democracy & its weakening...


Ecological overshoot resource overuse climate crisis. Thank you Roger.
I interviewed Peter Kalmus maybe two years ago. He's a wonderful person.


You are greatly appreciated and loved for your important voice and work


Thank you so much. It has to be said again and again and again. And again.


Well said Roger, and thank you for always standing up and telling the


Nothing we say is going to matter if we don’t stand together and say it. Thanks as always for condensing the words into action Roger


The questions to ask politicians is what they will do when coffee ends, tea ends, potatoes end, rice ends, wheat ends. the crops won’t survive either, all those businesses will shut, what are they doing about it. i suspect losing coffee might scare them more than their lives.


You are a great contemporary thinker. I am trying to learn from you and your colleagues - Jem Bendell ; Rupert Read; Gail Bradbrook. I teach international education at UCL. Thank you all for making these talks.


Thank you Roger for your Honesty and Humility.


Hallam states that we have a moral duty to prevent extinction and assumedly is referring to human extinction. As by far the most destructive species on the planet, and one which has caused and is causing mass extinctions of other species, I can not see why saving the human species should be considered important. This view, which I hold honestly, does not stem from misanthropy but rather from a pragmatic viewpoint: our beautiful planet and all its wonderous flora and fauna will thrive once humans have departed the scene.

But regardless of one's viewpoint the probability is that our species will suffer a catastrophic population decline, if not extinction, after global temperatures rise above 2.5 degrees and feedback loops ensure an exponential acceleration of heating, food scarcity and the complete breakdown of our 'civilization'.


Roger your surgery example is superb! You are a great speaker!


Roger, I admire your dedication and ideas. I just don’t think disruption is the way to win hearts and minds. Surely disruption is needed to change. But most people hate change. Not much we can do about that. They will keep fooling themselves in order to go on with their comfy lives and we are not gonna change that in a democratic way in the coming decade. I fear that the only thing that will lead to real change is the force of nature. All we can offer in the meanwhile is awareness and love. Lots of it.


I always sit down and listen to Roger.
He is the real deal, fearless because he knows sooner or later the dice will roll for the truth, not the denial prop.


Pleased that you mentioned responsibilities such as work and caring for the old and young as they are indeed barriers especially if you have a job that depends not having a criminal record. Currently looking after an elderly and ill parent and feel I need to do more and can't wait any longer to take some form of action.


By the way, Roger, my favorite speech of yours is the small gathering with the visual learning tool of plastic bag over the girl's head. "She's not dead yet". Your intro, "Six billion people are going to starve to death". Hope I got that correct from my memory. I think it was in Penzance, UK.

Your words pierced me. And I felt that yes, speak the truth, unabashedly. People think it is bad taste to speak aloud dark truth. No, it is not bad taste to care to tell truth.

You know what is bad taste? American journalists trotting out statements of latest mass assassinations on the news in the US every other day, devoid of emotion and moving onto the next story in mere minutes.

Bad taste is reporting that 40, 000 cows dropped dead in one region in Kansas in one day due to a fixed-in-place heat dome and not acknowledging it a result of climate change. Bad taste is the news anchors reporting on an entire town wiped off the map from wildfire in California and then not acknowledging it was due to climate change.

Bad taste is sitting by idly, watching mass death, not caring, and not stating the cause... government inaction, corruption, greed, a mass death project, and worship of short-term profit mostly by people who are old and will be dead and gone when billions of humans have died and our species is going extinct on a planet that will be hell on Earth.

Thank you. Much love.



Please roger, say that people are dying now not just in the global south, but in Europe and Northern Europe… now not the future


Wow. Thank you from the bottom ofy heart for creating this video 💓🙏🏻💓 you're broadcasting what a lot of us leaders in the healing field have been striving to communicate for a long time, and very well indeed. Thank you for your service.

Make no mistake, we who thank you deeply are not shutting your proposition down, we are thanking you for being a catalyst, for serving the world. Gratitude is a value as well as appropriate action, it doesnt have to slow down drive, it can propel it even further once validation isn't cast to one side as a human behaviour that gets in the way of progress within an overwhelming crisis. Validation is the bedrock of a healthy nervous system, which is needed for longevity, and we need longevity to win this.

Talking of efficiency in this respect, love and passion is a faster and more robust driver than guilt long term. Leading and helping people into that consciousness is vital, because i for one as a crisis counsellor do not one to see mass suicide as a result of this - this can be prevented with nuance before this crisis hits. We need to get as many people to the equivalent of our spiritual evolution within our psychology or higher as quickly as possible for the least fatalities. And this can be done without denial and spiritual bypassing of the climate crisis.
