Extinction Rebellion's Roger Hallam: It's not the climate, it's the system | The Chris Hedges Report

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Earlier this year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an international body of UN scientists, delivered a "final warning" to drastically cut global emissions in order to prevent the heating of the planet past 1.5 degrees Celsius. As the exponentially accelerating effects of the climate crisis have become more apparent in recent years, so too has activism to demand urgent action from governments. In the UK, a movement known as Extinction Rebellion (XR) first emerged in 2018, and then proliferated around the globe. XR has helped popularize the spread of civil disobedience tactics in the contemporary environmental movement. But what is the movement's theory of change? How does XR seek to proceed from direct action tactics to systems change on a timescale that matches the rapidly degrading state of our the earth's ecological systems? Roger Hallam, co-founder of XR and leader of the activist organization Just Stop Oil, joins The Chris Hedges Report for a conversation on tactics and strategy to save the planet, which ultimately requires transforming the system.

Studio Production: Dwayne Gladden, Adam Coley
Post-Production: Adam Coley
Audio Post-Production: Tommy Harron

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Listening to Roger makes me realise that ordinary folks on the left and right have a lot in common. It is the elites that repress us all


The genius of this is that they have managed to convince us that we have done this and therefore it is our behaviour that needs to change, only our sacrifices that can avert disaster....while they soar above us in their private jets.


It's a subset of class struggle... don't be divided.


Chris and Roger. Two of my all time heroes.
Mad respect!


This is the message that needs to get out more. It's not about Climate Change it is about the System


So, where did this 97% figure come from?
From a study by a professor in Australia named John Cook at the University of Queensland,
And what this study purported to do was review the abstracts of 11, 000 climate science articles. Abstracts?
Well ...No one's going to read 11, 000 climate articles. Even a whole team of graduate students is not going to read through 11, 000 science articles. So they read the abstracts.
The abstract is always that one paragraph summary at the head of any academic journal article.
Here's the abstract to the Cook papers first sentence.

"We find that 66.4% of abstracts expressed no position on anthropogenic global warming."

66%--two thirds of the papers express no opinion on human-caused global warming.
32.6% percent endorsed anthropogenic global warming. 0.7% percent rejected it entirely and 0.3% were uncertain.
So that means a third of those papers had an opinion on human-caused global warming. So, the next sentence says this:
"Among abstracts expressing a position on human-caused global warming, 97.1% endorse the consensus positions
that humans are causing the warming."
Somehow this has become 97% of all scientists, when it's 97% of a third of scientists.
Or, you might put it this way.
66% of scientists publishing
in the field have expressed no firm opinion
on the matter. Or, Among all the scientists who agree with the all the scientists who agree with the consensus.

That would be an adequate way of saying it.

Some of the articles turned out to be not really about
climate science at all. One article that was billed as a science article was about U.S. media coverage of climate change issues.
Strangely, in those 11, 000 papers, there's not a single
one from Richard Lindzen of M.I.T. He's the most prominent member of the climate science community, who has been publishing on the subject since 1961. None of his papers were
included...he isnt saying what they want him to say...
And yet, this phrase ...97% of scientists agree. Or believe in, right? And this banner splattered all over YouTube and Facebook?
It's clear to me...that the climate establishment has become as intolerant as any department of gender studies on any college campus, and for much the same reason. Its BULLSHIT!
While you dont have to share that sentiment do so understanding that... the only difference between YOU and ME???
Im the one who cared to look.


It would also be immensely helpful if the IPCC process wasn't entirely corrupt. e.g. My family and community needs energy to survive and thrive...we don't need 'Cola' to achieve same. There is no discernible climate crisis and almost no serious expert in the field believes so. However, there is definitely an environmental crisis and that is apparent to all. The system that has been built around us is inevitably corrupt and serves those that yield power. They have built a cage around us and we have all been willing participants in our own demise.


"A lot of this green agenda is being pushed because someone somewhere is making a lot of money from it. Just like in COVID, when of course there was a great redistribution of wealth to the most richest people in the world and the biggest corporations. As well as power being taken away from the likes of you and I." ~Robert Oulds


"There are huge non climate effects of carbon dioxide which are overwhelmingly favorable which are not taken into account. To me that's the main issue that the earth is actually growing greener. This has been actually measured from satellites the whole earth is growing greener as a result of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. So it's increasing agricultural yields, it's increasing the forests, it's increasing all kinds of growth in the biological world and that's more important and more certain than the effects on climate." ~Freeman Dyson, Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.


Humanity is so tribal divided by language
Addicted to technology
Religion of the rich and so many issues in between its hopeless
Be lucky to survive until the next ice age


On listening twice to this interview, I am more suspicious than before probably due to eroding benefit of doubt .
Choosing "The Climate" (so scientism, not science) + words such as, emergency, crises, catastrophe, extinction, etc. are merely tools of his game.


Question ? Why are they so deafeningly silent on the real reasoning behind "extreme climate events" haarp geoengineering with ill intent!@#


I dearly love both these individuals: do I detect a glint of optimism in Chris' ordinarily stoic face as he hears what are clearly pragmatic ways forward from another somewhat awkward yet wonderful gentleman? 🙂


So with the surveillance state (to include the pending Restrict Act and CBDCs), the militarized police and VERY political FBI, and virtually all civil disobedience labeled as terrorism and prosecuted accordingly - these guys are going to do what?


I would just like to add in the mix of things to take care of, the military industrial complex because it might lead us to Armageddon before the climate does.


It's only recently I've seen a couple of interviews with Roger Hallam and I've really been surprised and amazed at what an intelligent guy he is and seemingly a great strategist. I've found Listening to him inspirational and actually gives me some hope.


It needs only that the judiciary are held to account and publicly exposed. people focusing their resources on this would achieve much.


Thanks Chris and Roger for the informative exchange. I really like this idea from Roger Hallam:

“We are going to set up our own citizens assembly as a permanent, parallel institution selected by sortition by randomly selecting citizens from the population. The demands of that assembly will become the program for a civil resistance organization.”

This is a great way to challenge corrupt and often criminal governments. I think it's absolutely a great idea.


Again, i must apologize for missing this last Friday at noon, central standard tim for myself. Today is April 27, 2023.
With the deepest appreciation and respect to hear from Chris Hedges and Roger Hallom for this discussion of great importance of what is happening in our world.
A discussion of sound ideas and not that of scintillating ignorance.
With the glaciers melting and waters raising, fires raging, heat and weather conditions, among doughts affecting all life on earth, we are at a standstill because of wars for profits. No life can do without water.
For many years, I have always felt the last great fight will be over clean water globally. As we have learned, that lead is in not just Flint, Michigan but all over our country.
May we all work together globally for new ideas. 🙏 ❤


About time you had this man on. Everything he says…….!
