Paul Harvey ' Policeman ' One of His Best Narrations

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"Policeman" by Paul Harvey done in the style of that wonderful SUPER BOWL commercial "God Made A Farmer" narrated by Paul Harvey. This is a tribute to the many police officers who risk their
lives daily. We should never forget who are the first ones we call, when we are in danger.
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After over 30 years of service, I feel validated. Thank you Paul Harvey.


Paul Harvey! I haven't heard his voice in almost 30 years. We listened every day when I was young, then my mother would turn off the radio when Howard Cosell came on. I can still hear it, "This has been Paul Harvey. Good Day!"


I sure do miss Paul Harvey. His monologs were always spot on. RIP, Paul. And thank you to all our police officers. You are heroes. I am praying for safety for you all daily.


I had the privilege to have known Paul Harvey. He was one the most gracious people I have ever known. I saw him shortly after his beloved “Angel”passed away. After expressing my condolences he looked at me and said as only he could “Thank you, I’m afraid I’m not being a very good sport about this”!


Guaranteed there is a greater percentage of honest policemen than there are of politicians.


I honestly wonder how many people that hate officers would be willing to put on the uniform for one day. I wonder how many of them would make it home at the end of a 12 hour shift. I wonder how many are willing to put on a bullet proof vest, a gun on their hip and pull over a car not knowing if when they reach the drivers window if they will be shot? I wonder how many people who criticise officers for doing the best they can would be willing to spend one day seeing what they see. Feeling what they feel. Dealing with the masses and still be able to maintain a calm demeanor and deal with a situation appropriately. Officers are people too. They have feelings as well. They bleed just like everyone else. They make mistakes just like everyone else. The only difference is, they are put under a microscope all the time. To the officers out there, I thank you. I thank you for answering the call. For running towards the gun fire. And for protecting everyone.


God bless and watch over our police officers Thank you for all you do 👏🌟🌟🌟🇺🇸


I feel for all the Policemen at this time. Please know that most of us have your back and support all you do. Thanks for your service.


7 years old and more truer today than ever.
To the officers of the law, I salute you.
Stand proud forever.
Yesterday we put to rest one of our local deputies, Damon Gutzwiller, who was shot down in cold blood in an act of cowardice by Steven Carrillo who is also tied to the murder of a federal agent in Oakland CA.

Edit: change policeman to officers of the law.


Thank you to all the good ones! I’ve never had a terrible dealing with an officer. Then again, I tend not to break the law.


Paul Harvey was always able to get to the heart.of an argument and get to the point of the story. Then with his even toned soothing voice, he could educate you on the real issue. R.I.P. Paul Harvey, you certainly are missed.


my dad is a former police officer. When I didn't have anyone to take care of he and his family took me in. Through legal procedures they became my foster family but to me they became my family. When I became 18 I became a U.S. citizen and change my last name to theirs. I remember once in high school my dad once told me not to become a police officer because there's a lot of stress that goes along with being a police officer. I understood that sometimes when a police officer has to make a decision that the outcome may not be what they want and majority of the public look down upon the police officer because of the media and because of a few bad apples. Now looking back I respect my dad even more. With a police officer's wage, we weren't rich by no means but our basic needs were met.


To every Law Enforcement officer out God Bless you and keep you safe in all of your endeavors. 🇺🇸GOD BLESS AMERICA 🇺🇸


Paul Harvey is missed!! This man understood everything.


This was such a great narrative that I just shared it Public on both Facebook and Google+. Paul Harvey 9-4-1918 to 2-28-2009. R.I.P.


Paul Harvey's father's name is etched in stone on a memorial honoring law enforcement killed in the line of duty. His father was taken from him when he was a young boy, he was speaking from the heart on this subject.


Paul Harvey! Always a great narrator full of insight, a voice of logic and uncommonly common sense. Thank you Paul! 🙏🇺🇸👍🏼👏🏼


Black folks can be part of the change they want. Young men and women applying to their local police department. Serve and help to change the culture. Rioting is not the answer.


Thank you very much our American policemen!!


We must keep our policeman in our prayers and thank God we have them to be able to be safe..
