Marisha kills Lacrytia Hollow with her own spell | Critical Role | EXU Calamity 3

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*Screams in Brennan noises*

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For anyone that is as curious as me, I´ll try to do the math on that Homebrewed Circle of Death interaction:
So CoD does 8d6 necrotic to anyone in a 60 feet Radius Sphere(!), but since DnD doesn´t like to deal in circular things we shall call it a 120 foot (since the sphere with a radius of 60 feet has to fit inside it) cube for the initial calculation. No worries though, I´ll come back to this.

Now a 120 foot cube means that there are 120x120x120 ft. or 1, 728, 000 cubic feet in there. Divided by the number of occupiable spaces aka 5ft. cubes that gives us (120x120x120)/(5x5x5) or 1, 728, 000/125 for a subtotal of 13824 potential Targets. Now of course Usually a circle of death cast would never hit that many targets, but it is the potential maximum of hittable spaces. And in this case the full Potential energy of this Spell was released in a single 5x5x5 cube, so i will count it as Hollow basically occupying all of those potential spaces at once. (i mean, i am doing this to see a high number, so might as well right?)
Which brings us to the Damage calculation. The average roll on a d6 is 3.5. So lets lowball it a little here and say it´s 3. That means that Hollow takes 13824x8d6 or 13824 x 8 x 3 for a whopping total of 331, 776 points of necrotic damage. Which is, of course, insane.

But to bring this back around to a sphere.
The volume of a Sphere is 4/3 x pi x r³ or in this case 4/3 x pi x 60³ so approximately 904, 779 ft³ which gives us a much less numerically satisfying 7238.232 potential targets and therefore a damage calculation of a mere 173717.568 points of necrotic damage.

So of course these are extremely high numbers, but hey, that´s what i wanted to see. And of course taking the highest potential number of targets is a bit unrealistic. but then again, realistically you could stuff a whole lot more than one person in a 5 foot cube. So i think it is somewhat justified. Still insane. But justifiedly so.

Tl;dr: Hollow is dead, very dead.

Thanks for reading if you did, and sorry for any semantic or spelling mistakes, english is not my first language.


"My original intent was to keep her alive so we could get information from her.. but this is pretty fabulous." <-- 100% Patia.


The irony of a necromancer dying to a reverse uno'd death spell.


Brennan is the master of Rule of Cool, this is just one great example of it


one thing i fucking love about brennan lee muligan he is not afraid of going batshit intense at the table. Alone with describing with his words, he puts for the guttural emotions and screams characters would do in the moment.


The little bit I've seen of Brennan's GMing skills and tendencies, he's not afraid to kill a PC AT ALL, but he's all very generous to players and characters who display ingenuity and take advantage of good timing. This is Exhibit A.


There are a lot of moments in Calamity that evoked highly specific mental scenes in my head - because Brennan is a madman - and save for the final confrontation with Vespin and the Taxmen, this is my favorite of those moments.

So in my head, Patia steps out, readying the Resilient Sphere, and Hollow appears directly next to her, starting to cast Circle of Death. Patia swivels to throw the sphere out, and Hollow straight up catches her hand as she was pushing out the last somatic component. Hollow says "I always hated you." as Counterspell runes start encircling their hands. A solitary moment of dread before a light hits between them and Zerxus spectral form moves to just crash through the middle of the two mages, forcibly knocking Hollow's counterspell aside as Patia pulls back. Hollow looks up at Zerxus for a moment before meeting Patia's again, and in the same moment both thrust forward with their spells. Then Resilient Sphere and Circle of Death burst out from the point between them in dual waves splashing backwards over Hollow, encircling her first in blue, then in a raging black storm as she screams bloody murder and the flesh is melted off her bones, the scream seeming to last longer than should be possible until the Circle fades and leaves a pitched black skeleton clattering to the ground that in my mind remains behind as a HELLA CURSED ITEM.

Anyone that dares to disturb the bones for even an instant will have that intense excess of Necrotic Energy work its way through their own body, killing them within days and nothing short of a Wish Spell could possibly save them.


This series has been amazing. Episode 3 has been the best so far. can't wait to see the finale!


That scream from Brennan is terrifying.


Dude I'm so ready for tonight's finale. Like I'm scared, excited, anxious, bewildered just all of the emotions


One of my favorite things a lot of the CR cast members do is give incredible descriptions and personality to their abilities and spells. I hope in both the Mighty Nein and in a potential future Calamity adaptation, they really emphasize those details of Caleb's spells, Patia's spells, and what Zerxus is doing here. I absolutely love Luis' description of his aura of the guardian ability and his counterspell being a golden projection of him shielding his friends. Such an amazing visual that adds texture and excitement to the action.


Brenan's death screams are something else.




This episode was 🔥
And this moment in particular was bonkers \o/
I love this game so much 🙂


Would love to see the animated version of Marisha bouncing the corpse ball 😂


Mechanics, fine. Vastly over-rolling and getting unexpected DM lore, fantastic. But giving the PC the choice as to how powerful the rebounded spell will be, *chef's kiss*!


In my mind I see what happened to the Nazis at the end of Raiders when they opened the Arc of the Covenant. Face melting.


so, I did the math, and since it is a sphere and the volume of a sphere is proportional to the cube of the radius, the damage should be 110592d6 (8*(60^3/2.5^3)) you divide by 2.5 instead of 5 because 5 is the diameter, not the radius. If we multiply 110592 by 3.5 we get nearly 387k damage. Dnd doesn't do circles or spheres very well, but that doesn't matter for the math.


Any idea why she hated her?
Edit: Well I think that answers that!


Did Brennan just add Dragon Ball beam struggles into D&D?
