GT15. Group Actions

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Abstract Algebra: Group actions are defined as a formal mechanism that describes symmetries of a set X. A given group action defines an equivalence relation, which in turn yields a partition of X into orbits. Orbits are also described as cosets of the group.
GT15. Group Actions
Chapter 7: Group actions, symmetric group and Cayley’s theorem | Essence of Group Theory
Group Theory, lecture 5.1: Group actions
Group Actions: Stabilizers
Group Actions: Fundamentals
Lecture 33 - Group actions
Group Action On a Set Part1
Fix(g) of Group Action on a set
Example of Group Action
Visual Group Theory, Lecture 5.1: Groups acting on sets
Group actions in abstract algebra
Group Theory: Lecture 15/30 - Introduction to Group Actions
Abstract Algebra: group actions part 1, 10-16-17
Group Actions. Spin group.
Group Theory 40: Definition of group action on a set
Chapter 2: Orbit-Stabiliser Theorem | Essence of Group Theory
Group Theory: 34 Group Actions
Lie group actions
Group Action on a Set, part1, Definitions
An example of a group action
[Introduction to Combinatorics] Lecture 14. Group actions
Introduction to Group actions
Group Actions
Group Actions: Definition