A *Realistic* Week In My Life As A Self Employed Artist 🧑🏻‍🎨

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I've been focusing on settling back into work after a long winter break so let's do a week in my life! As I was editing this, I noticed that most of my time is spent petting/annoying Earl (cat), working on the shop, taking jetlag naps, drawing, and cooking. I'm grateful for this little life!

#weekinmylife #artist #selfemployed


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Louie Zong


FTC: This video is kindly sponsored by Paperlike. All opinions are my own!
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“All the hard work you put into these videos really shows!” 🥰🥰


Thank you for sharing your life with us, seeing your videos are always a highlight, seeing your art and just seeing you live your life is such a gift


Thank you for sharing you don’t like what you draw and it makes you spiral, I’ve been feeling the same way to the point where I dread to draw. Knowing you feel that too while looking at your wonderful drawings makes me realise it’s all about drawing past the feeling. Wishing we both find enjoyment in the process! ❤️


Love you, Tiffany! Seeing your videos brighten my day.


I don’t know how you work when you’re with Earl. He is soooo cute. If it was me I’d petting him all dayy.


Marry My Husband is SO good. The scene in the lobby of their office was.. *chef kiss* If you're down for a little grittier, Perfect Marriage Revenge is a good one after this one finishes!

Also I just came from from two weeks in Japan and I feel you on all accounts. The walking, the different environment, everything.. I miss it so much.

Also many hugs to you, loss is never easy nor fun, I'm sorry. ❤


Im a self employed artist Watching from Europe and at first I was extremely jealous of your huge house and kitchen! 

But when you said "I wish more than ever to be in a walkable city" it made me really appreciate what I have.

Being able to just walk out of my house and grab some coffee or boba and maybe pass by a grocery store to pick up some snacks brings joy and spontaneity to an otherwise dull day of working from home.

Also dropping off packages at the post office by bike is challenging and fun, even though my weekly orders are barely more than 5 packages.

anyway thanks for sharing your life with us!


This was either my first or second of your videos and I absolutely loved it. I love how honest you are with your struggles, it's so human and whole and makes me feel safe as an artist who struggles with the same things


My favourite part of this video is when you work in your sketch book or iPad. 😊❤


You're my absolute favourite youtuber to watch right now


I always love seeing the sketchbook pages you create 😍


I love that you find beauty in everything and in everywhere you go. I also live in Vegas, and when I watch your vlogs it makes me appreciate the city!


loving the hair, loving the slow living life since you've gotten back, and fully appreciating how candid you are with your mental health. thank you tiffany! 💚💚


So glad you're back in Vegas! It's great seeing you settling into your new home. Love Earl ❤


Such a good video, you were so funny and it was just so nice to catch up and ride the road of emotions alongside you. To another year and thank you for generously sharing your life with us!


Wow those camera transitions be transitioning 🤌🏻I love your honesty, being a human can be so complex and full of paradoxes, yet life is beautiful ❤️


Catching up on your videos~ I totally agree about the screen protector! I took off my Paperlike one bc it was worn down after two years of use and meant to replace it with the second one I got but I had misplaced it somewhere. I went without a protector for a couple weeks and didn't like it so I got some random one. It was NOT the same! It completely wore down my nib after just a couple weeks of drawing. Now I HAVE to use my extra nib lol. (I went two years without having to change my nib at all!)

Anyway, your videos are inspiring and motivating for me during these times! Thank you!


Honestly, I feel you on not knowing what to watch anymore. I’ve been rewatching a lot of old anime from my childhood. It’s nice to have on in the background. A lot of new shows and stuff look beautiful, but it just feels so stale when I get watching and I get bored of it! I wish I could recommend something, but lately I’ve been listening to audiobooks and podcasts. Even a lot of music falls flat for me lately. I really like the podcasts 10 percent happier, if books could kill and art juice! They’re great to listen too while you work.


You have such a different energy in this video it’s great you have a different glow to you


I love your new hair colour! It's fresh on you ☺️♥️
