Urban MYSTERIES Nobody Can Solve

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Coming up are some urban mysteries nobody can solve!

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The mystery soda vending machine sounds like it's a safe class SCP

So some of you have been questioning why I gave it the safe class and that's because the classes don't rank danger they rank how easy it is contain a anomaly, safe class scp's are easy to contain and easy to understand, keter class scp's are very hard to contain and very hard to understand


“Stealing” garden gnomes used to be a thing with uni students on holidays here in Australia in the 1970’s. Friends of ours did it. They took a gnome when they were going on a round Australia trip. They took Polaroid photos of it at different tourist destinations around the country, and then dropped the gnome back on the front landing of the house late one night and then left a plastic envelope full of copies of the Polaroids with it for the owners.


My Dad was the consumate collector of iconic vintage toys. He had an ALF doll he dearly loved, as it had been a favorite show of his. Once when visiting my parents in AZ, we kidnapped Dad's ALF. We took Alf on an adventures all over California (where we live) and neighboring states. We made sure to take fun photos, picked up and sent postcards from ALF to Dad, bought t-shirts, keychains, bumper sticker s, etc from the many "tourist type locations" we visited, to add to Alf's vacation memories. After a full year, we returned ALF home, along with a small child's suitcase completely covered in travel stickers, and full of his many trip treasures.
We never fessed up as the kidnapping culprits, as he was snuck back into Dad's collection with Mom's help, ALF" just reappeared." We never gave ourselves away. This was Dad's greatest unsolved mystery, and it brought him ( and us) much fun and joy! About 5 years later we planned to do another kidnapping, this time abducting his old "Michelin Man Doll, " but sadly, Dad passed away before we could pull it off. I loved the Travelling Gnome story!


So here in my town, there was this neighborhood calico cat named Snickers. Nobody thought much of Snickers at first, but some would leave food and even sometimes a box for him to sleep in outside. Well, one day Snickers just completely vanished. Some tried looking around the neighborhood and even other nearby towns, but Snickers was never found. Some suggest Snickers was cat-napped, and brought somewhere far away, while others think Snickers got lost somewhere we don't even know about, and passed away. Well, wherever Snickers is, I just hope he is safe.


I didnt know it was illegal to give away vintage TV's in the middle of the night.


Whoever took that gnome and went to the GRAND CANYON is a madlad


Considering one of the main appeals of that mystery vending machine seems to be its stock of discontinued and obscure sodas, perhaps the reason it suddenly disappeared one day was because the person operating it ran out of their stock. And since the sodas were discontinued, it was impossible to restock, and the person thought it would be an affront to the machine's reputation to start stocking it with exclusively conventional items.


I used to walk by that mystery vending machine every day. One day, I took a job that required me to be there at 5:30 AM, and I would walk by that machine before sunrise. I was actually disappointed when I saw someone loading it. I wanted to believe that no one ever opens it, but I can confirm that someone was loading it once or twice a week; between 4:30 AM and 5:00 AM.


I had a carved bear on my outside window sill that was missing one morning. It showed up again one Sunday morning with a bandana tied around its head, a cigarette dangling from its mouth, and a mostly empty flask bottle of Jack Daniels at its feet! I never knew where it had been, but I think it had fun!


I love the story of the "traveling gnome". What sweet idea for the owners. Really awesome whoever thought of this idea.


The pickle thing is actually easy to explain, a friend of mine died on the road and his girlfriend lays his favorite food out for him. someone nearby tried to make a big deal out of it claiming it to be something ghostly before she explained that she was leaving it as an offering for him. she chose to go around the time of his death 5:43 am so it would be hard to spot someone if you're not doing a 247 watch or something. At least that's what i can understand the pickle thing as, his gf would leave out burger king but a specific kind of burger that he loved a lot and would always get. Shes done it for 2 years and i met her by accident one day, i already knew her but had to ask. So while not ghostly, it was still sent as a tribute for his passing. And honestly heck, i would also do something like that if my lover passed on. Tho maybe to his grave xD


"Gnoming" actually started long before 1986... I remember seeing a guest on the Tonight Show (with Johnny Carson) with her traveling gnome and stack of pictures while in college (probably in the Fall of 1975 or Spring of 1976). Was the funniest thing I'd ever heard of back then!


i love the fact that ppl take time out of there life just to support a mystery about a vending machine


I love how people take time to do these things its kinda funny and nice at the same time I really love it


I live in Alberta Canada. When I was in highschool over 15 years ago. We used to walk along the main road to get to the school. And along the way we would always start finding these random little Christian comic books all over the place. Tied to poles slid inside cracks of bud stops places on fences, the most random spots. It would only happen once in a while also. After a month goes by my friend started noticing them pop up in other places in the city also.
We thought it would be neat if we could catch who was doing it, so we decided to start taking the bus to school MUCH earlier. 5am most days. We started noticing even that new comics were set out already. So we tried for a little earlier. But same thing. We never did catch who was doing it, but the comics would show up randomly throughout the night.


I was a very active graffiti writer in the 90's and I can say for certain. Kid & PK are two separate graffiti artists. It's extremely common for teams to place their names so close they look as if they were a single name. Hanging from high places is also slightly common with graffiti artists, but generally only done a small amount of times by the average graffiti artist. Because after putting yourself through it, you generally don't want to again. These were obviously some brave writers.


The 80s weren't weird. They were AWESOME!!


I wish to have my own personal vending machine like that one in my bedroom that would be awsome lol


7:22 so you are telling me someone can't throw 7kg? That is less then the average bowling ball

+ machienes exist ✨


I'm guessing they bought a warehouse containing old soda but instead of disposing of them they stocked a vending machine until there was no stock left.
