🔴WARNING! DON'T DO THIS MISTAKE During Lunar Eclipse | Eclipse | Moon | Sadhguru

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sadhguru advises not to do this mistake during lunar eclipse, it can be harmful to your health and system.
Food & Eclipse are a bad combination, Sadhguru Conducts An Experiment Using a rudraksh, Sadhguru shows us how food is turning tamasic in nature during the course of a Lunar Eclipse.

#sadhguru #lunareclipse #moon #lunareclipse2022 #sadhgurulatest #lunar #eclipse #eclipse2022 #sadhguruspeech #TheMysticWorld

For Hindi Dubbed Video Of Lunar Eclipse Watch @GyanYogaHindi

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About Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Isha yoga center. Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.

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Рекомендации по теме

I am Native American and during an eclipse we are not to eat, drink, sleep or use the restroom... Sadly a lot of my people don’t believe this. They eat, drink etc. that’s probably why our world is the way it is today. We have all forgotten our history, rules, language 😢


I feel great after the eclipse. I stayed sober, and I believe I harnessed the energy from it. I feel it all through my body and soul.


I love this guy so much. The way he laughs is just so precious the way his whole body bounces with his giggle. He Is such a gift to this world weather your catholic prodistant or whatever...this guy is all about life lessons and love, not religion.


I've had stomach pains alot lately and loose stools tonight.
Probably too much info but my body knows something is up


I should have watched this earlier today!


Not going to sit here and say everything he is saying is true because who knows. But I feel extremely tired and fatigued for no reason at all today. I didn't do much yesterday besides drive. My body feels like it went through a marathon.


I decided to start a fast today earlier this weekend, this is crazy


My pizza got 28 days old and I grew a white hair as I watched the eclipse


I always feel conscious shifts on full moons, it’s neither good or bad, it’s just a cycle


A lunar eclipse creates a shadow. Depending on your position in space there can be an eclipse anywhere.
Bottom line is: it's just a shadow folks.


I don't eat lunch. I eat 2 pancakes this morning. It's 5:30 PM here, I just got in from working in the garden. I'm cooking rice as I'm watching this video. I'm glad I watched this video before I sit down for dinner. Now I'm not going to eat dinner. Missing one meal isn't going to kill me. Thank you so much for such an important information. I wished I knew this long time ago. I'm 61 now, I pray to God to give me a forever life on planet earth. I love this planet although life is not perfect. God bless everyone.


Makes a lot of sense. A woman's period cycle supports the 28 days cycle of our body. And that's called lunar cycle. An entire lunar cycle is happening on a lunar eclipse day. Makes sense why when i was a little kid my Grandma never would have us eat or even drink water during eclipse day. I never knew what was the reason why food was considered poison on this day.

Edit :
I just know and feel the effect of things around me on myself. i do feel different when it is hot, cold, humid. I have seen mentally challenged people going erratic on new moon day. Changes in Tides and waves patterns according to moon's phases. Spiritual learnings are hard (not impossible) to prove scientifically. It took 5000 years for Science to accept the energy form of the body. Let Science evolve in its own time, but don't be blinded by the limits it has. Statistically speaking, your conclusions on Scientific proofs are pretty biased as you explore science more than you explore your own body or nature. In a very high scale of difference. There is no more powerful tool than your own senses to understand nature. So train yourself to open your senses rather than becoming online warriors 💕💕 love to all 🙏🏻


3 big masses, each having effects on each other. The gravitational pull of moon causes tides. I have lived almost my entire life in the coastal area and in new moon and full moon days the tides are really high/low. And so are the mood fluctuations of women who got periods issues or cysts or fibroids etc.. and have also seen mentally challenged people undergoing rapid change of state. Its not a curse or supernatural phenomenon, it's just because these masses are so big that their mere alignment changes can cause different effects. When Earth casts complete shadow on moon - earth, moon and Sun are colinear and earth is in the right mid, it might seem foolish for some people to think this sort of alignment has no impact on earth. On the lunar eclipse day earth enters this alignment and comes out and so does the moon with its relative motion. The effects of 28 days whatsoever, happen all in one day. Not everyone has to take this as a big deal. And those who talk about God and Evil must be enlightened. This day just naturally happens and we experience the effects, there is nothing else.

Why would anyone have the right to say, "you are wrong" ??


That is one way of looking at it; however, for those going through growth, such growth can be sped up by 28 days as well. And were one in a state in which their growth was already stimulated, drawing in energy from their surroundings, then gaining 28 days worth of growth while in that sate can allow one to make even greater strides in that growth.

My body has been growing at a faster rate all day, and after imbibing a certain mixture in a bit, then going out to meditate underneath the blood moon, I'll be even closer to my desired goal.


Since this is not Biblical, I'm not goingnto worried about it. I have never felt any change in my body. Thos won't be the 1st nor the last lunar eclips.


I've felt dizzy & not quite right today. I don't sleep well whenever the moon is full. There's definitely something going on with our symbiotic relationship with it. I'll be more aware in 4 hours when the lunar blood moon takes place over Australia tonight at 8:49pm. thank you for your interesting insight.


Really interesting! I just don't feel like eating any cooked food the entire day. I only made/had freshly squeezed juice and veggie sandwiches. I guess my body knows what's suitable for me today. Thank you, Sadhguru!


🙏.... Fasting is a great
Way to.. Heal... An excuse For fasting is good.
Fast for whole day
Get maximum healing..


It's the 8th of November here in Melbourne, Australia 🦘🇭🇲


I fasted without option yesterday & today. I didn’t eat for about 36 hours but I felt the universe forced it by lack of choice.


What a blessing for us Muslims. We r in Ramadan full fasting mode 🤗
