DON'T DO THIS (Steroid Use Warning)

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But I have no money left after buying trenbolone by the bucket.


Still doesn’t make much sense to me when people say “HEY GUYS! Don’t do this shit but watch me do it!”


Young men should learn from the sad case of Bostin Lloyd. He effed around and found out. He died before he was 30.


I had a friend in high-school who was graduated he was like 20 monstrously jacked 230 at like 12% body fat insane he told me he was taking 200mg of tren daily😐 dude had a heart attack last year shits real be safe yall


Most guys are meatheads but they all start saying "be smarter" after the heart attack


Protein. That's it for me. That's all I need


I messed around with recreational drugs a lot, decided it was a good idea to take one gram of mushrooms more than what my friend reccomended cause.. "How bad can it be?"

It was really really bad.


At least they're getting their money back by blasting every living, breathing moment of their lives on social media 💁‍♂️


Just stay natty lol. None of that bs is worth it at all


We gotta push this message more and more. Too many guys losing there life too soon to this kinda shit especially the young ones. If we are gonna be stupid with the shit we are gonna put in our body let at least be smart about it 😂 keep lifting champs


They already have a coach, Dr. Greg Doucette, but these guys wouldn't listen to him somehow.


After 2 years on 2 injections per week im a week into the executive decision to switch to daily micro dosing. MAYBE placebo, but think I can feel a difference already. My total was always high but my free would be stuck around 16, where the top end of the range is 27. Ideally I'd like to sit at 30. So IMO 2 years was enough time to get what I thought was dialed in and adjusted to the exogenous supply of testosterone, UNTIL I realized that there is further dialing in available to me. Which should not have been a surprise because there is always another level to achieve in life . I know technically it may take 3-5 weeks to fully realize the benefits of the switch, im leaning towards 3 weeks more then 5 because my system is already well saturated and I may have already seen some improvement in mood, energy, mindset, drive, recovery sleep ect. Im theorizing, that having that much more free in my system may contribute to another short burst of quicker gains in the amount of 2-3 lbs in 2-3 months while also enhancing future yearly accumulation. Not by much, but enough to keep me around similar to better gains then I otherwise would have made in my middle to late teens. I say better because there's no way my total was this high ever during puberty and definitely neither was my free, once I get it up to around 27. Looking forward to the results in strength, size, performance and recovery. I'll be reporting on upcoming progress as usual .
Antstrength, OUT🤙🏼


Even if u can take alot and not die.. yall kids still miss the huge point that u burnt your receptors out ..when if u had done as little as u need and went up slow then you would have years more ... u dint run past beginners gains ...u want them to stay ..u dont want to fry your receptors ..


My problem with everyone on gear is that they’ll say “don’t do it guys” when they themselves among with most top guys in the industry take it.


If HS was challenging (<92% avg/<85% private) it should be obvious you need a coach! For safety, but also major jumps in progress. Don’t waste prime yrs trying to figure it all out. You can do it 100% safely & screw up by getting nowhere😢


It really is crazy how many unbelievable 105s there were during the late 2010s, and yet by some evil curse they never ended up competing against eachother at once - Aramnau, Klokov, Dolega, Lapikov, Berestov, Pisarevsky, Akkaev, Torokhtiy (ish), Tsagaev, Akhmetov and way more that i can't even name off the top of my head. So annoying


EDIT: Youtube likes to glitch, doesn't it?


I don’t need a coach I’ll just stay off that garbage and grow over time🤣


I love that Mike says it properly and doesn't go "this isn't great for your health" & instead says "fuck that" which is 100% what young adults considering juicing out their minds need to hear. "Not great for your health" encompasses fucking 99% of life


Gotta check out the 13 yr old bro. Typicl kid thinks he can lift the world, takes his chalk, has a belt, etc. skinny as a rail, has some strength but damn his knowledge set is all wrong-headed
