NPTE: HOW MUCH DID IT COST? | Physical Therapy

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Hi, I am a foreign trained physical therapist and I just passed my NPTE last August 2023 and I want to share how much it actually cost for us to be eligible, to prepare and sit for the exam.
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Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0
Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
#npte #physicaltherapy #usvisaapplication #physiotherapy #USlicensure #finance #ptrp #howtocometoamerica #americandream #USA #medical #medicalprofessionals #pinoypt #filipino #filipinophysicaltherapist #lifeupdate #adayinmylife #howtoapply #texas #texasphysio
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Music credits:
Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0
Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
#npte #physicaltherapy #usvisaapplication #physiotherapy #USlicensure #finance #ptrp #howtocometoamerica #americandream #USA #medical #medicalprofessionals #pinoypt #filipino #filipinophysicaltherapist #lifeupdate #adayinmylife #howtoapply #texas #texasphysio
NPTE: HOW MUCH DID IT COST? | Physical Therapy
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