Win is a Win. Every War is Real. Foxhole War 101

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This video is me ranting about why every war is a real war. Every war one faction wins and one faction loses.

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Honestly think that both sides needed a quick war like this one because well, war 100… was something else man. War 101 is probably gonna be the most accurate use of the term “break war” anyone will see for a while, and it isn’t a bad thing… sometimes a war that feels like an extended resistance period is a good thing as it prevents playerbase burnout, but like you said, a victory is a victory. Nobody has a right to complain about the outcome because it’s a game and the colonials weren’t even trying since they ran out of energy after war 100 so why even fret over the little war when you won the biggest war this game has seen, so far, a mere 17 days ago. That’s my attitude at least and i wished more of the playerbase would understand that you shouldn’t fret over the small stuff and just enjoy the game for what it is, besides, we all know the wars we are used to will start again after update 52 drops.


I would like to say GG, war 101 is a well deserved win to the wardens, the last 12 hour push was particularly devastating! Excited to for the next war and to play more Foxhole as it is just a game at the end of the day!


At the end of the day, people don't like to lose, and it shows. A lot of people arguing that "The Wardens only won cause a bunch of Colonials went over", without realizing a whole bunch of Wardens also went to the Collies to stop losing. Or ignore that both sides have Alt problems, or cheaters, griefing, or just overall incompetence.

It's just more readily apparent to your personal experience. You're gonna see the worst of it, cause its your own eyes, and your own experience, so its always gonna feel much more personal and rough for you.

Honestly, this war was short, but it was also pretty fun in a lot of battles. I don't care much for the overall win, just the experience of each battle and conflict with the opposing side. :)

GG Collies. Looking forward to the next one, win or lose.


it's an interesting thing. Because there *is* imbalance, there *is* alting, there *is* pop problems at certain times of night. However, When i see people complain about any of these, i just ask them; "If our side was consisted entirely of professional players, would we have lost?" The answer is always a resounding "no". Its a point that proves with more/better game knowledge, better macro by every player, and with a consistent supply of whatever, any war is winnable. Any loss is typically attributed to a lack of any central command for the regiments (e.g everyone running around doing their own thing (which is fine)).

All the aforementioned reasoning is just a crutch for what people don't understand well enough to speak on. At the end of the day, its a chaotic game with no central objectives. People are going to do what they want, when they want, how they want. And i wouldn't expect much less out of a game. Manage your expectations and realize that nothing in this setup is going to be efficient. There's gonna be redundant waste that leads to downfalls of fronts. Accept it and just have fun. Those that don't will always be the ones yelling from the rooftops toward anyone that's gullible enough to listen.


Excuses are for people who thought otherwise. It was almost 100% going to be a loss for the Colonials. Was day 3 and I said “well I’m just going to enjoy the ride down.” It was fun as heck all the same. That’s when you enjoy the fact it’s a game and it’s not actually real.

People are pretty clueless if they thought that war was going any other direction regardless than a W for Wardens. 😂

Keep this energy 💪🏼 Lowkey is those final battle line battles are insane and fun as hell!!


As a collie at war 101, it was often hard for me to get to the front line because of waiting for 5 to 15 people ahead of me. Production and logistics seemed to be busy enough, and I think they did a great job at supplying infantry. Even if blueberries did outnumber us, I can't say it was critical. However in my opinion collies were lacking in tactics, flanking, and sabotaging. Attacks were chaotic and disorganized, leading to unnecessary casualties. At some front areas I saw blue watch towers on my radar and nobody seemed to care to blow them up. I had to do it myself. Armor pushed with no infantry support was insane. Later, when we got only 9 hexagons left, I saw a lot of facilities decaying, I assume people started to give up. With all that said, it was a good game, and I'm glad baby eaters finally made it. I had a fun time.


As a solo facility guy, I feel like I should be most excited about the msupp change, but my biggest hope is the Alting. I don't think one side gets alted more, but the alting was way to hot and heavy back in war 100. Had to give up my train making when people kept stealing.

But yeah, people gotta get over the salt each war.


I dumped 2 crates of tanks in a shipyard, logged off, and then woke up to a new war.

I really hope those tanks were used.


I may be a collie, i am just happy wardens is finally making progress and they won the war :D


Fun war. Props to the collies that held out in clanshead / king. We spent almost the entire war smashing into your defenses and they never broke. Most of my play time was in that area either running logi or trading ground back and forth. See you in the trenches next war!


You can say that a win is a win. but it must be said that the colonials were tired of the last war 100. 101 it was not as grandiose, 14 day, that blink of the eye! after a 56 day war yes i would like a break after such a long war. war 101 was not very important after the greatest war in video games !


I found it wasn't the alts that made me quit after war 100, but the other players on wardens who made life hell. I did a lot of logi and what stands out to me is when a high rank player tried killing me over components. Or the expectations of regiments to log on every day and haul shit to facilities. And the chaos that ensues when a group of players decide to take resources and tanks from a facility.
Thankfully the Devs addressed these issues, but I still would rather use my free time for other games these days than ever having to track down and kindly ask new players to return the battle tank.


After 186 IRL days of colonial rule, a keeper win after 2 weeks and hardly any colonial vets is a big joke. I think the perfect description of this war is "To win without risk is to triumph without glory".


I agree completely with this take on the subject. What is the point of playing the game if “it is a break war, it won’t count” ? I’m not going to not play the game, unless I get majorly burnt out


Every problem one faction suffers from, the other suffers from too. They both got alts, they both got poor logi/poor builders, low pop; most problems cancel each other out.


I really don't know why people care so much about winning or losing. Sure, it's awesome to win, but that's not at all what this game is about. The newer guys especially need to learn this.


GG for war 101 =) i like all your analyses they are great.


Each Victory is earned. Will you be going Collie next war or do you stay Warden mostly? 😁


I complain about balance. Even though you're right when you say coordination and communication are more important than 5m on a tank (or anything), I believe the amount of logi needed to balance a bad tank (to keep the same idea) impact the game too much.
I also don't like the way factions are designed like Collies = early + late game and Wardens = mid game. I feel like both factions should be stronger during their opponents powerspike.
I still think winning a war takes a lot of efforts and unfortunately, losing one too ! So congrats to everyone playing this game


Both sides have basically the same playerbase. The bitterness is because we all see in the opposing faction what we hate most in ourselves.

Anyways, a late GG to the Colonials for war 100. I know they had to fight like hell and endured quite a few setbacks and crazy circumstances to get that win.
