Should We Be Scared of Artificial Intelligence? With Jonathan Gorard and Stephen Wolfram

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Is AI dangerous?
What is Artificial General Intelligence?
Stephen Wolfram recently announced the Wolfram Physics project, a possible way to find the fundamental theory of physics. How does understanding our universe relate to understanding Artificial intelligence?
John Michael Godlier is joined by Stephen Wolfram and Jonathan Gorard to discuss artificial intelligence and how to understand it.
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Music featured on Event Horizon
ESO - M.Kornmesser
ESO - L.Calcada
University of Warwick
Goddard Visualization Studio
Langley Research Center
What is Artificial General Intelligence?
Stephen Wolfram recently announced the Wolfram Physics project, a possible way to find the fundamental theory of physics. How does understanding our universe relate to understanding Artificial intelligence?
John Michael Godlier is joined by Stephen Wolfram and Jonathan Gorard to discuss artificial intelligence and how to understand it.
Want to support the channel?
Follow us at other places!
Twitter: @jmgeventhorizon
Instagram: @jmgeventhorizon
Music featured on Event Horizon
ESO - M.Kornmesser
ESO - L.Calcada
University of Warwick
Goddard Visualization Studio
Langley Research Center
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