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Adriana’s journey to plant a new church in Bogotá was one marked by faith, perseverance, and the unshakable belief that God had a plan for her and the community she served. At 35, this devoted wife, mother, and seasoned church planter had already established six churches across Colombia. But when it came to planting the seventh, she encountered obstacles that tested her resolve like never before.
In the heart of Bogotá’s poor neighborhoods, a spark of hope was ignited when Wilinton, a former alcoholic, experienced a life-changing conversion. His newfound faith led him to start a small Bible study in his home. As word spread and more people joined, the group quickly outgrew its humble beginnings. By now, 50 people gathered every Sabbath to worship together, overflowing from one temporary location to the next. The need for a permanent church building became undeniable.
Adriana, driven by her passion for church planting, joined forces with Wilinton’s group. Together, they searched tirelessly for a suitable building, but each option fell short—either too expensive or poorly located. After inspecting five buildings with no success, they began to lose hope.
That’s when Wilinton proposed an unlikely solution: a bar he used to frequent before his conversion. The bar was right in the heart of the neighborhood, making it an ideal location, but the asking price was far beyond what the church could afford. Still, Adriana, guided by a deep sense of purpose, approached the bar’s owner with a bold request. She asked him to hold off on selling the property for a year while they raised the necessary funds.
The owner, though skeptical, made a cryptic comment: “If your plan is from God, this building will be yours.” With that, the stage was set for a year of fervent prayer and relentless fundraising. Adriana and the church members called on God’s help, believing that He would make a way.
But as the year progressed, the building attracted interest from other buyers. Each time, it seemed like the church’s dream would be dashed, but inexplicably, the deals never materialized. The buyers would express interest, only to disappear without completing the purchase. The owner, bewildered by his inability to sell, lowered the price several times, yet the building remained unsold.
Despite the setbacks, Adriana’s faith never wavered. She believed that God was working behind the scenes, orchestrating events according to His will. She returned to the owner, this time with a message of divine certainty. “You won’t sell this building,” she declared. “You will sell it to us because it will be a place that will help the community and glorify God.”
True to her words, as the year came to a close, the church had raised enough money to meet the now-lowered asking price. When a church leader went to finalize the sale, the owner confessed that he hadn’t been able to sell the building because of the Adventists’ prayers. The sale was completed at a price that was half the market value of similar properties in the area.
Today, Adriana reflects on this journey with profound gratitude. She sees the church as a testament to God’s power to bring about His plans, even when the odds seem insurmountable. As she puts it, “When God has a plan, no one can change it.”
This story from Colombia serves as a powerful reminder of the challenges and triumphs in mission work. Part of the upcoming Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will support the creation of additional centers of influence to help at-risk children in Colombia.
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