Beef Ravioli Chef BOY-AR-DEE Throwback Recipe vs Chef Boyardee Current Recipe Comparison & Review

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In this video, we are comparing the Chef BOY-AR-DEE Throwback Recipe Beef Ravioli to the current Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli.
* Mich Mish mailed us the Chef BOY-AR-DEE Throwback Recipe. She paid $1.59 at Meijer. 1 cup (260g) = 240 calories
* We bought the Chef Boyardee Current Recipe for $1 at Kroger. 1 cup (246g) = 220 calories

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We found them at one of our stores here in town and grabbed two cans, one for me and one for my daughter. I tried mine the day after we got them, they were delicious. My daughter asked what they tasted like, I told her that they tasted like my childhood. My mom would allow me to have a can with a grilled cheese sandwich every Saturday. She tried hers and said it was amazing and we should only get those, had to explain that throwback is a limited time thing.


I'm just now seeing this and now I'm going to be obsessed with finding the throwback ravioli. The more recent canned stuff was a part of my childhood. I don't really eat stuff like this now, but I can appreciate it.


Love the throwback, so much better!!!


i've been eating chefboyardee all my life and just tried a can of throwback. its delicious, way better than the other. i hope they keep selling it and not be something temporary.


Now I know why their products started not tasting as good. Please, Chef BOY-AR-DEE make the original for those who like it and make the current one for those who like that one. Good review!


I'll have to buy it and try. Thank you for your opinion and I appreciate it so much. I used to warm the other one up in the oven. I'll definitely get the throwback and try.


Just tried the throwback version today, defiantly better and worth the extra 20 calories. I haven’t really eaten chef boyardee in several years but as long as I see the throwback cans on the shelf I’ll defiantly buy them from time to time.


LOL, great video guys! I literally just got done doing this comparison myself and then came and found your video. I tried the throwback first and then the second bite was the original, I fed the rest of the original to my dogs, it is horrible when put beside the throwback. Even at twice the cost, I would rather eat half as much.


I just had the throw back spaghetti and meatballs and was impressed!! It was $1.79 a can but I would buy it again!!


Some of the major differences are that the new versions use textured vegetable protein as filler in the's not 100 percent beef. And the new versions use cheddar cheese. The throwback uses 100 perfect beef and romano cheese instead of cheddar, which changes the flavor of the sauce quite a bit. And I'm sure there are other differences with the pasta noodles and tomato sauce too


I think they are going to change back to the throw back and then they will have a reason to raise the prices on it.


Just tried the's absolutely delicious, and leaps well over the modern version. Hey, if they stop the throwback, let's all just not buy it and I'm sure they'll have no choice but to bring it back permanently. 😝


i hope they keep the old recipes and toss away the new junk recipe that's available everywhere. the chef boyardee of the 70s 80s 90s was actually good


I remember the old ravioli in the 80s enough to have noticed how much its changed. I used to love it. Over the years, every once in awhile I would eat a can (comfort food)... Nowadays it holds together too well. It used to come apart with just a little stir. It used to be a little bigger and more floppy. There was more stuffing compared to now. The sauce flavor is about the same but the texture has changed. Same with my other favorite... beefaroni. Now... they don't really resemble chef boyardee except for the core flavor. The texture of pasta and meat are way different now. For a little while in the early 90s we used to be able to buy cans of just sauce. Loved that too. My mom made a bomb af rice meal in the crockpot with that. I would literally pay extra $ to try a can of the old school Chef Boyardee ravioli/beefaroni. (I also know how to make ravioli from scratch which is way better but doesn't scratch the same itch)


I'm over here eating the new one because they discontinued the throwback at grocery stores near me. I just thinking how gross it and very watery so I looked up this video. Definitely prefer the original over the new formula.


I love chef boyardee ravioli the best because it's awesome 👍


I tried the throwback one and it's very good. They only carry the Ravioli one at Walmart.


I wish they would also bring back the original Chef Boyardee Spaghetti Dinner with mushroom sauce!


Dang, we just got a can of the new stuff. I haven't eaten this in years.


I would love to see a blind taste test between these.
