Liquid crystals
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The interaction potential is given in polar coordinates by
V(r,phi) = (req/r)^12 - A(phi- theta)*(req/r)^6,
where req is 2.5 times the size of the particles, theta is their orientation, and
A(phi) = a - b*cos(2*phi)
with a = 11.6 and b = 6.78 (these values have been chosen such that there are four stable equilibrium positions approximately compatible with a tiling by lozenges with angles 36° and 144°).
The angular coupling between particles with orientations theta1 and theta2 is proportional to -sin(2(theta2-theta1)), and decays like the inverse of the square of the distance between particles.
The temperature is controlled by a thermostat, which is here the "Nosé-Hoover-Langevin" algorithm introduced by Ben Leimkuhler, Emad Noorizadeh and Florian Theil, see reference below. The idea of the algorithm is to couple the momenta of the system to a single random process, which fluctuates around a temperature-dependent mean value. Lower temperatures lead to lower mean values. To save on computation time, particles are placed into a "hash grid", each cell of which contains between 3 and 10 particles. Then only the influence of other particles in the same or neighboring cells is taken into account for each particle.
Render time: 3 minutes
Color gradients: Jet
Current version of the C code used to make these animations:
Some outreach articles on mathematics:
(in French, some with a Spanish translation)
V(r,phi) = (req/r)^12 - A(phi- theta)*(req/r)^6,
where req is 2.5 times the size of the particles, theta is their orientation, and
A(phi) = a - b*cos(2*phi)
with a = 11.6 and b = 6.78 (these values have been chosen such that there are four stable equilibrium positions approximately compatible with a tiling by lozenges with angles 36° and 144°).
The angular coupling between particles with orientations theta1 and theta2 is proportional to -sin(2(theta2-theta1)), and decays like the inverse of the square of the distance between particles.
The temperature is controlled by a thermostat, which is here the "Nosé-Hoover-Langevin" algorithm introduced by Ben Leimkuhler, Emad Noorizadeh and Florian Theil, see reference below. The idea of the algorithm is to couple the momenta of the system to a single random process, which fluctuates around a temperature-dependent mean value. Lower temperatures lead to lower mean values. To save on computation time, particles are placed into a "hash grid", each cell of which contains between 3 and 10 particles. Then only the influence of other particles in the same or neighboring cells is taken into account for each particle.
Render time: 3 minutes
Color gradients: Jet
Current version of the C code used to make these animations:
Some outreach articles on mathematics:
(in French, some with a Spanish translation)