Все публикации

Refraction and reflection of a shock wave - Source in medium with refractive index 3

Modeling the 2023 tsunami due to a landslide and glacier collapse in eastern Greenland

Sorting heptagons with a linear sieve

Exciting spirals in a circle with sixteen out of phase sources

An asteroid impact in the South Pacific Ocean

A particle sorter with linearly increasing gaps

An asteroid impact in the North Pacific Ocean, with tsunami-induced flooding

Rattling the sieves in a particle sorter avoids clogging

Resonances in a circle, excited by four sources

An asteroid impact in the Indian Ocean, with tsunami-induced flooding

A conveyor belt with shovels at lower friction

Refraction and reflection of a shock wave - Source in the lower speed medium

An asteroid impact in the South Atlantic, modeled with a shallow water equation '

How does the particle size sorter work at very low friction?

Using three sources to excite resonant modes in a circle

Sorting particles at lower friction

Using six sources to excite resonant modes in a circle

An improved device sorting particles by size

Video #1300: What if the Earth's oceans were much shallower?

Classics revisited: A hexagonal parabolic resonator

A 'molecular sieve': sorting particles by size

What happened to your luggage at the airport?

A conveyor belt with shovels

A wave source on the boundary of a parabolic resonator