How Do Hydrogen Fuel Cells Work?

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Hydrogen fuel cell cars seem great: hydrogen and oxygen in, nothing but water out. But if that hydrogen comes from dirty, carbon-emission spewing power plants, your sustainable car might not be so green after all. #fuelcell #electriccars #emissions
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George Zaidan
Hilary Hudson
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Darren Weaver
Alex Dainis, PhD
Scientific consultants:
Michelle Boucher, PhD
Jay B. Benziger, PhD
Leila Duman, PhD
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Hydrogen combustion engines
Fuel cell chemistry
Natural gas reforming
96% of hydrogen made from fossil fuels
The production of hydrogen for all kinds of industries, not just fuel cells, is responsible for 830 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year
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Executive Producers:
George Zaidan
Hilary Hudson
Elaine Seward
Andrew Sobey
Darren Weaver
Alex Dainis, PhD
Scientific consultants:
Michelle Boucher, PhD
Jay B. Benziger, PhD
Leila Duman, PhD
How internal combustion engines work
Hydrogen combustion engines
Fuel cell chemistry
Natural gas reforming
96% of hydrogen made from fossil fuels
The production of hydrogen for all kinds of industries, not just fuel cells, is responsible for 830 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year
Energy production more efficient at a central plant
EV more efficient than fuel cell
Benefits of hydrogen powered cars
Green methods of producing hydrogen
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